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Enterprises don’t understand IT risk

A global survey of more than 1,240 IT decision makers at large enterprises – 72% of which have more than 1,000 employees – found that one third (33%) of …

7 steps to protect against online fraud

Of the three million respondents to a SonicWALL quiz, only 7.4% answered all of the questions correctly. When asked to determine whether a suspect email was a phishing e-mail …

Most global energy organizations suffered a breach

More than 75 percent of global energy organizations surveyed admit to having suffered at least one data breach over the last 12 months. Furthermore, 69 percent of …

The true scale of the insider threat

UK employees are likely to either maliciously or accidentally disclose confidential information about their employers to unauthorized personnel. A LogRhythm survey of 3000 UK …

Data breach mistakes feared more than attackers

Seventy percent of compliance professionals feel that their organizations are well or very well prepared to fend off malicious hacker attacks, however, their confidence wanes …

Top cybercrime weapon: Web exploit toolkits

HP identified a significant increase in the volume of organized cybercrime targeting data centers and networks, which can lead to financial and data loss. While there were …

Vulnerabilities in common web applications escalate

A new Cenzic report reveals widespread Web application vulnerabilities, with 2,155 discovered – a third of which have both no known solution and an exploit code publicly …

Half of U.S. tax payers are unaware about identity theft risks

While consumers take steps to protect themselves against identity theft and remain concerned about the possibility of a data breach when sharing their personal information, …

Vulnerabilities surge: 8,000 recorded in 2010

IBM today released results from its annual X-Force 2010 Trend and Risk Report, highlighting that public and private organizations around the world faced increasingly …

Key security experts unfamiliar with DNSSEC

Half of IT personnel in charge of Internet security at the world’s largest organizations either haven’t heard of DNSSEC or have limited familiarity with it, …

Global spam drops by a third as Rustock botnet is dismantled

Symantec analysis reveals that in March, prior to its takedown, the Rustock botnet had been sending as many as 13.82 billion spam emails daily, accounting for an average of …

Intellectual capital is the new cybercrime currency

Cybercriminals understand there is greater value in selling a corporations’ proprietary information and trade secrets which have little to no protection making …

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