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Data-stealing malware growth spikes

The propagation of some forms of crimeware surged in the half-year period ending in June, 2011 with data-stealing malware reaching and maintaining a new plateau of contagion, …

Challenges facing critical infrastructure operators

While critical infrastructure operators hold great responsibility for managing security, compliance and operations, many struggle to balance the resources required for each of …

Security behavior and buying trends for 2012

PCI data security standards may be a hot topic, but a recent survey by Gartner found that 18 percent of respondents admitted to not being PCI-compliant, even though the survey …

Mobile pickpocketing and botnets will rise

Mobile threats are on the rise — Lookout estimates that mobile threats successfully stole more than one million dollars from Android users in 2011. In 2012, Lookout predicts …

Virtualization can transform data protection

According to a Vanson Bourne survey of 500 CIOs virtualization has the potential to transform data protection. In order to achieve this, greater strides need to be made in …

Confidential data exposure in public spaces

While protecting data on computers is top of mind for everyone, most organizations are focused on conventional security technologies such as anti-virus software, personal …

Top software failures of 2011

SQS Software Quality Systems compiled a list of the worst software failures of 2011 that have damaged reputations, impacted negatively on financials and caused stress to …

Holiday travel is risky business for mobile devices

The holidays are a time for tropical getaways, traveling to Grandma’s house to see family and friends and one of the likeliest times a person will lose their mobile …

The risks of unauthorized access

HP unveiled new global research that reports increased threats to sensitive and confidential workplace data are created by a lack of control and oversight of privileged users, …

Pros losing confidence in hard tokens

Almost a quarter of organizations, 23%, have suffered a security breach as a result of identity fraud which was linked to a lost or stolen authentication device, according to …

Germany leads Europe for USB drive data security

Many organizations are ignoring the risk of unencrypted USB drives and are not following through with appropriate USB security policies. The Ponemon Institute research also …

8 out of 10 applications fail to meet security standards

Considered “low hanging fruit” because of their prevalence in software applications, XSS and SQL Injection are two of the most frequently exploited …

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