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Greatest risks to database security

The greatest challenge to database security may actually come from organizational issues, rather than nefarious or accidental acts, according to a survey presented by …

The state of global cyber-readiness

McAfee and the Security and Defence Agenda (SDA) revealed the findings from a report that paints a global snapshot of current thinking about the cyber-threat and the measures …

Identity and access management trends

Six major trends will drive the evolution of corporate management of identity and access management (IAM) and privacy management in 2012, according to Gartner. “In 2012, …

Most disruptive and significant IT trends

451 Research, published an all-encompassing report highlighting the most disruptive and significant trends that the analyst firm expects to dominate and drive the enterprise …

Web attacks peak at 38,000 an hour

Web applications are subject to business logic attacks, according to a report by Imperva. Imperva monitored and categorized attacks across the internet targeting 40 different …

User error is the biggest threat on the Internet

Sophos unveiled a detailed assessment of the threat landscape – from hacktivism and online threats to mobile malware, cloud computing and social network security, as …

Organizations to replace BI functions with cloud offerings

Nearly one third of organizations either already use or plan to use cloud or software-as-a-service (SaaS) offerings to augment their core business intelligence (BI) functions, …

IT industry business confidence remains flat

IT companies express tempered optimism heading into the first quarter of the year, though longer-term prospects look more promising. CompTIA projects a worldwide IT industry …

IT managers express concerns over tablet security

Cisco commissioned a survey 1500 IT managers and executives in the US, Canada, UK, France, Germany and Spain to assess attitudes, fears and hopes for tablets in the workplace. …

Criminals stole $3.4B from online revenues in 2011

Merchants are making gains against fraud but the battle continues, according to CyberSource, a Visa company. The fraud rate by order (the percentage of orders that turned out …

CIOs still sensitive about cloud adoption

More than 90% of CIOs and IT directors believe that data and its sensitivity level dictates the type of cloud solution they are considering when researching cloud vendors, …

The importance of master data management

Master data management (MDM) is critical to achieving effective information governance, according to Gartner. Failure to manage information accurately has been the root cause …

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