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Targeted attacks increase as spam continues to fall

Targeted attacks intercepted by rose to 85 per day, the highest figure since March 2009 when the figure was 107 per day in the run-up to the G20 Summit held in …

Compliance violations via email increase

In a study of how professionals use, and companies manage, email – particularly the handling of private and confidential information – VaporStream found that …

IT teams still struggling with spam and viruses

IT teams are still struggling to protect their businesses from spam email and viruses, according to Mimecast. Their research also finds that the majority of organizations are …

Most employees would steal confidential company information

The majority of IT staff and C-level executives would definitely take confidential company information when they left their organization, according to Cyber-Ark. Despite 66% …

Dramatic increase in cyberattacks on critical infrastructure

A survey of 200 IT security executives from critical electricity infrastructure enterprises in 14 countries found that 40 percent of executives believed that their …

Regulatory compliance is a top concern in 2011

Regulatory compliance will be the top business issue affecting enterprise IT in the next 12 months, according to a new survey of more than 2,400 ISACA members from 126 …

Green IT to become a priority

Green IT initiatives will take on added importance in the next few years as more organizations commit financial resources and develop comprehensive strategies, according to a …

Software industry risks and SQL injection trends

With the trend of targeted cyber attacks along with the exploitation of common vulnerabilities such as SQL injection, it is clear that the core software infrastructure of …

PCI DSS compliant companies suffer fewer data breaches

While the majority of PCI compliant organizations suffer fewer or no breaches, most practitioners still do not perceive PCI-DSS to have a positive impact on data security, …

Children on social networks unaware of privacy risks

77% of 13-16 year olds and 38% of 9-12 year olds in the EU have a profile on a social networking site, according to a pan-European survey carried out for the European …

Rise in ZIP file attachments in spam emails lead to Bredolab malware

On the 16th of March Rustock, the largest of the spamming botnets, was taken down. As you would expect, global spam levels started to drop, as can be seen when you look at the …

Security fears still an obstacle to cloud adoption

Over three fifths (62 per cent) of IT managers state concerns about security as an obstacle to cloud adoption, according to Kaspersky Lab. The research found that among the IT …

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