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PayPal no longer the most phished brand

A new phishing survey released by the Anti-Phishing Working Group (APWG) reveals that in the second half of 2011, China’s became the world’s most …

Most orgs don’t know what data is leaving their systems

Only 20% of IT executives say they have visibility into files and data moving inside and leaving their organization, and 29% of them perceive moving data back and forth …

Top enterprise security concerns and IT problems

A global study of more than 1,200 IT professionals in EMEA reveals that, in the last year, more than one in five enterprises has experienced a security breach and one in 10 …

Breaches of large organizations are at a record high

The number of large organizations being hacked into is at a record high; the overall cost of security breaches to UK plcs is now billions of pounds a year, a new survey of 447 …

BYOD is both an opportunity and a threat

A survey titled “What is your approach to BYOD – Love it? Hate it?” and conducted among 316 IT and security professionals set out to assess the opinions of …

Users worry about data security, but still trust social networks

Although the majority of people (71 percent) are worried about the amount of personal information held online, a significant proportion would still share confidential …

Businesses fail to learn from 2011 data breaches

While data breaches perpetuated during 2011 clearly demonstrated the need for more comprehensive encryption of business and customer data, a survey of over 170 IT managers …

IT security pros most afraid of highly publicized attacks

Concerns over hacktivism and targeted state-sponsored attacks are at the top of security professionals’ minds according to a new survey and research report sponsored by …

HP identifies the sophistication of security attacks

HP published the 2011 Top Cyber Security Risks Report, which identifies the growing sophistication and severity of security attacks and the resulting risks. The report …

How cybercriminals are infecting networks

Research by Websense reveals the trifecta that is driving epidemic levels of data theft: 1) extremely effective social media lures 2) evasive and hard-to-detect infiltration …

The importance of ethical hacking

The need for more effective information security practices is increasingly evident with each security breach reported in the media. When adopting new technologies like cloud …

Most IT admins considered switching careers due to stress

67% of IT administrators have considered switching careers due to job stress, according to GFI Software. Managers, users (employees), and tight deadlines were cited as the …

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