Insider threat in financial services sector
When it comes to preventing insider fraud, financial organizations would do well to more closely monitor experienced, mid-level employees with years on the job, according to a …
Fake products pose real dangers
It’s no surprise that many high-end luxury items, such as handbags and watches, have had its share of knock-offs over the years, mainly because they’re often …
Wargame examines the future of US infrastructure
Booz Allen Hamilton concluded the first-ever wargame simulation examining creative infrastructure initiatives and solutions that factor in US transportation needs by the year …
Most users think content is more important than the device
A global F-Secure survey of broadband subscribers has identified security, privacy and issues relating to the storing and sharing of digital content as key concerns. The …
Cybercriminals use social engineering to extend lifecycle of malware
Android smartphone users remain a lucrative target as the platform currently has 59 percent global market share and is on track to stay the most shipped mobile operating …
Hidden security risks of top mobile apps
Appthority cast a spotlight on the hidden behaviors of the top free mobile apps. The report reveals the security issues raised by the BYOD movement, app market fragmentation …
What will the workplace of the future look like?
IT consumerization is dependent on an open-minded approach by organizations, and most likely to succeed with specific, pre-defined parameters, according to Dell and Intel. …
Location tracking becomes more attractive
In a GFI Software survey of more than 1,000 U.S. respondents, 12% say they would use location tracking to monitor their spouse’s whereabouts, while 31% of respondents …
The state of document-centric security
The growing popularity of consumer-grade, browser-based file sharing applications, such as YouSendIt and Dropbox, has improved productivity within the enterprise, but at what …
Record number of phishing websites in the wild
The number of brands targeting by phishing attacks sustained an all-time high of 382 in February and March, while cybercrime gangs deployed a record number of phishing …
67,000 phones to be lost or stolen during the Olympics
Numbers of smartphones and other portable networked devices have exploded over the past few years. As a result, this year’s Games will see the largest-ever risk of …
Privacy commitment key to selection of cloud providers
Attracted by the opportunity to improve efficiency while cutting IT costs, SMBs are adopting cloud computing, yet they continue to express concerns about privacy in the cloud, …