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Big data creates big jobs: 4.4 million IT jobs by 2015

Worldwide IT spending is forecast to surpass $3.7 trillion in 2013, a 3.8 percent increase from 2012 projected spending of $3.6 trillion, but it’s the outlook for big …

Analysis of 15 million cyber attacks

A new web application attack report by FireHost offers an impression of the current internet security climate and provides statistical analysis of 15 million cyber attacks …

Data security and privacy stopping cloud implementations

Data security, privacy, residency, and compliance issues continue to hinder cloud adoption, with 66 percent of organizations reporting at least one cloud project that has been …

Enterprise IT supply chains will be compromised

Enterprise IT supply chains will be targeted and compromised, forcing changes in the structure of the IT marketplace and how IT will be managed moving forward, according to …

Most believe free Wi-Fi can lead to identity theft

A new study by the Identity Theft Resource Center (ITRC) and PRIVATE WiFi, revealed that 79% of respondents believe that using a free Wi-Fi connection can lead to identity …

Phishing attacks increasingly target brands

The number of brands targeted by phishing attacks sustained an all-time high of 428 in April of this year, the second record-breaking quarter for cybercrime brand abuse …

BYOD security and control fears

Enterprises are restricting employee access to vital work applications due to security and control fears, according to Ping Identity. Employees were found to use an average of …

Most people want control of information collected by data brokers

As Congress examines how data brokers collect, aggregate and share consumers’ personal information, a new survey by TrustedID shows that most people are confused about …

Network complexity causes security incidents

Complex network security policies, such as those found in multi-vendor environments, are directly related to system outages and security breaches, according to AlgoSec. The …

Merchants ineffectively fighting online fraud

Although most merchants have made a concerted effort to fight e-commerce fraud, their methods are largely ineffective against fraudsters and off-putting to consumers, …

Despite risks, organizations embracing cloud-based email

Many organizations are holding off on migrating email to the cloud in order to first assess the security, compliance and other risks against uncertain cost benefits, according …

SMBs not concerned about cybersecurity

U.S. small business owners or operators have a false sense of cybersecurity as more than three-fourths (77 percent) say their company is safe from cyber threats such as …

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