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90% say online privacy is threatened

Ninety percent of U.S. consumers who use a mobile device for work activities feel their online privacy is threatened, but many persist in putting their privacy and security at …

The global expansion of cybercrime

McAfee released a new report which explores techniques in cybercrime as well as the global evolution of cyber exploits. It uncovers new details of “Operation High …

65% of organizations experience three DDoS attacks a year

Despite the increasing sophistication and severity of cyber attacks, a survey of more than 700 senior IT professionals reveals that organizations are surprisingly unarmed to …

BYOD threats have infiltrated organizations

The vast majority of organizations that allow employees to BYOD are experiencing high rates of mobile threats, including lost or stolen devices, malware, and compromised …

Cyber-tension between nations fuels public desire for action

The UK public is growing increasingly concerned about national cyber security, following the number of high profile security incidents and malware discoveries reported this …

Organizations fail to realize the implications of a data breach

New research by the Ponemon Institute revealed that 54 percent of respondents have experienced at least one data breach in the last year, with nearly a fifth (19 percent) …

Enterprises lack programs to secure third-party software

Veracode data indicates that despite increasing security risks from third-party and externally developed software, few enterprises currently have formal testing programs in …

Businesses admit to losing data through BYOD

Businesses are putting their corporate security at risk, with one in three organisations (33 per cent) allowing their staff unrestricted access to corporate resources from …

12 scams of Christmas

A Harris Interactive study, conducted online among over 2,300 U.S. adults, investigates the online habits and behaviors of Americans, including those who indicate that they …

Social networking is the #1 risk to information security

The consumerisation of IT has made security far more difficult to manage according to research published by McAfee at its Security Summit in London. This is exemplified by the …

Trusted deployment of personal data to boost growth in the European economy

The effective and trusted deployment of personal data could be a boon to consumers and a source of massive growth in the European economy, but only if public and private …

IT in the organization: four possible scenarios for the future

The changing shape of IT is causing CIOs to question the role of IT in the organization. As businesses confront global economic uncertainty, changing market dynamics and …

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