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Battles over online information control to escalate

The year ahead will feature new and increasingly sophisticated means to capture and exploit user data, escalating battles over the control of online information and continuous …

Businesses bracing for security impact on Cyber Monday

Most employees are not able to recognize online threats against the corporate network and companies are most concerned that online shopping could open the network to potential …

81% don’t trust cloud security

81 percent of IT professionals express security concerns when moving data to the cloud, according to a recent survey by GreenSQL. The survey focused on one question: …

How teens hide their online activity

A European survey commissioned by McAfee has revealed an alarming disconnect between what teens are getting up to online, and what parents are aware of. Many UK teens are …

Generation Tech: Gifted but a long way from bad

They have been described as technology’s Generation Y or Generation Tech: an undisciplined, impulsive, entitled horde of twenty-something workers, seen as one of the …

Half of business information resides outside the firewall

Symantec launched its first Digital Information Index highlighting the significant impact that cloud computing and mobility are having on businesses today. There are benefits …

IRISSCERT warns Irish businesses on key cybercrime threats

IRISSCERT is to hold its fourth annual cybercrime conference this coming Thursday the 22nd of November where they will highlight key trends and issues that businesses in …

Companies collecting personal info face financial risks

Many organizations lack the business behaviors and compliance practices necessary to adequately address growing consumer and regulatory concerns about data security and …

Despite security concerns, enterprises place sensitive data in the cloud

One third of enterprises place highly sensitive data in the public cloud even though most are wary of the implications on security and other business processes, according to …

European enterprises cautiously accepting BYOD

Results of the European edition of the ISACA IT Risk/Reward Barometer show slowly growing acceptance of BYOD in the workplace, with 28% of organisations freely allowing the …

Lack of network history delays resolution of security issues

Endace released the findings from its survey that highlight the operational challenges being faced by IT teams as they come to terms with the latest high-speed, …

Mobile spam is impacting most U.S. adults

Mobile spam has become prevalent, with the majority of U.S. adults who text reporting that they have received an unsolicited text message, according to a survey conducted …

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