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Cyber incident reporting in the EU

ENISA took a snapshot of existing and future EU legislation on security measures and incident reporting. Their analysis underlines important steps forward, but also identifies …

Changing risk assessment practices

Avoiding the use of software as a service (SaaS) for critical or sensitive data remains a significant form of risk control for many organizations, according to Gartner. But …

65% of companies expose personally identifiable information

More than 65 percent of businesses don’t protect their customers’ private data from unauthorized employees and consultants, according to a survey of hundreds of IT …

Top mobility challenges facing C-level executives

Mre than fifty percent of the companies surveyed are now planning Mobile Productivity projects to allow employees to access, sync and share documents using mobile devices, …

NSS Labs expose inadequate AV products

NSS Labs testing showed that 9 of 13 popular consumer anti-virus products tested failed to provide adequate protection against exploits targeting two recent critical Microsoft …

BYOD reality: Missing mobile device usage policies

Gone are the days when employees only used a company-issued phone or laptop for work. Today, employees bring personal smartphones and tablets to the office and often have …

More than half of employees fail to protect their data

A ComRes poll revealed that while 71% of employees have been able to see or read what someone is working on over their shoulder, 53% do not always take precautions to protect …

Insight on social software and big data analytics

Teradata and Mzinga announced the results of a recent industry survey exploring the use of social technologies and big data analytics in business. The survey’s primary …

BYOD increases costs for most organizations

The results of a study by Lieberman Software Corporation confirms that BYOD (bring your own device) increases costs to businesses. Respondents were asked if they believed …

6+ million malware samples created in the last 3 months

In the second quarter of 2012 alone, more than six million new malware samples were created, a similar figure to the first quarter, according to PandaLabs. The average number …

BYOD is overtaking the workplace, security is top concern

Across the U.S. and Europe, the majority (78 percent) of enterprise IT decision makers say that employees are already using consumer devices to conduct company business, …

Web apps experience 2,700+ attacks per year

The median annual attack incidents on the 50 Web applications observed was 274 times a year, with one target experiencing more than 2,700 attack incidents. According to a new …

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