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It takes 10 hours to identify a security breach

Businesses are vulnerable to security breaches due to their inability to properly analyze or store big data, according to McAfee. The ability to detect data breaches within …

Worldwide security market to grow in 2013

As companies continue to expand the technologies they use to improve their overall security, the worldwide security technology and services market is forecast to reach $67.2 …

Most enterprises have no information strategy

Less than 10 percent of today’s enterprises have a true information strategy, according to Gartner, Inc. Recent research by Gartner has found that, just as business …

How businesses prepare for disasters

With fears of potential security breaches and natural disasters like Superstorm Sandy and the recent Oklahoma tornado weighing heavily on IT executives, businesses nationwide …

Big data is a big priority

NGDATA shared the results of their survey executed in co-operation with Clear2Pay – sharing insights from 183 global bankers around issues like the monetization of …

What are users doing after log-in?

Businesses today use up to 50 on-premises applications and 25 cloud-based applications on average, so identity and access management (IAM) technologies to secure data and …

Backup and recovery problems exposed

A Veeam survey of 500 SMBs across the USA and Europe found that they are experiencing significant issues with the cost, complexity and lack of capabilities of their data …

Rogue employees, malware exploits and unauthorized software

While IT security professionals recognize the threat posed by unwitting employees, many still admit to allowing administrative privileges to go unmanaged, making organizations …

Most small businesses can’t restore all data after a cyber attack

Almost one-third of U.S. small businesses surveyed by the Ponemon Institute had a cyber attack in the previous year, and nearly three-quarters of those businesses were not …

Is data fragmentation putting businesses at risk?

IT managers believe that fragmentation of corporate data across their IT infrastructure and an emerging “Shadow IT’ network of user devices or consumer cloud …

Most businesses experienced a mobile security incident

79% of businesses had a mobile security incident in the past year, in many cases incurring substantial costs, according to Check Point. The report found mobile security …

Cyberespionage campaign targeting government-affiliated organizations

Kaspersky Lab experts published a new research report about NetTraveler, which is a family of malicious programs used by APT actors to successfully compromise more than 350 …

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