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Increase in malicious DNS request traffic

With regard to the OpUSA hacktivist campaign, Solutionary discovered that attackers responsible for previous DDoS attacks on the financial sector leveraged a variety of …

U.S. the number one source of web attacks

Retailers suffer twice as many SQL injection attacks as other industries, according to Imperva. Additionally, these attacks were more intense, both in terms of number of …

Study connects cybercrime to job loss

After years of guesswork and innumerable attempts to quantify the costly effects of cybercrime on the U.S. and world economies, McAfee engaged the Center for Strategic and …

DDoS attacks are getting bigger, stronger and longer

Prolexic Technologies announced that the average packet-per-second (pps) rate reached 47.4 Mpps and the average bandwidth reached 49.24 Gbps based on data collected in Q2 2013 …

Social engineering tops list of help desk security threats

Help desks are most commonly asked to assist users in addressing common IT problems including password resets and application and connectivity issues. Often the performance of …

Vendors patch security vulnerabilities within 3 weeks

High-Tech Bridge Security Research Lab released its statistics on web application security for the first half of 2013. The statistics is based on HTB Security Advisories that …

US retains spamming crown

Sophos has published the latest ‘Dirty Dozen’ of spam relaying countries, covering the second quarter of 2013. As the US retains the top spot among spam-relaying …

Email security: Perception vs. reality

When it comes to email security in the workplace, 98 percent of employees believe they demonstrate either equally secure or more secure behaviors than their colleagues. …

Security metrics are too complicated for senior executives

Tripwire announced the results of research on the state of risk-based security management with the Ponemon Institute. Key findings include: 75% of respondents say metrics are …

Workers do not trust employers with personal data

Workers using their own mobile devices for work remain fearful of their employer accessing their personal information. A new Aruba Networks report features a study of over …

Most Internet users have fallen victim to malware

The current state of cyber-security has left US Internet users anxious about hacks and password theft. Despite constant victimization, the majority are not using two-factor …

Abuse of mobile app permissions

McAfee Labs found that under the camouflage of “free” apps, criminals are able to get consumers to agree to invasive permissions that allow scammers to deploy …

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