Experienced employees more important than a rising security budget
Tripwire announced the results of a survey of 167 attendees at Black Hat USA 2013. Many of those surveyed – 44 percent – said that if they could change one thing …
Most companies don’t have data breach cyber insurance
Companies now rank cyber security risks as greater than natural disasters and other major business risks, according to a new Ponemon Institute study. While only 31 percent of …
Expect more Android security issues in 2013
Android vulnerabilities, increased online banking threats and availability of sophisticated, inexpensive malware toolkits are among the growing concerns cited in Trend …
Top destinations for cyber security pros
Semper Secure announced the results of its Cyber Security Census. Based on a survey of 500 cyber security professionals from 40 different industries across 43 states, the …
Attackers are taking advantage of old vulnerabilities
FortiGuard Labs observed a 30 percent increase in mobile malware in the labs over the last six months. The team is now seeing more than 1,300 new samples per day, is currently …
Enterprises in denial regarding network security
Many enterprises possess an unrealistic confidence surrounding the security of their networks. According to a Lancope survey, more than 65 percent of IT/security professionals …
Cybergangs alter infrastructure abuse techniques
Phishing attack frequency declined 20 percent from Q4 2012 to Q1 2013, due to a precipitous drop in virtual server phishing attacks. APWG statistics indicate that phishing …
Universities are putting private financial data at risk
HALOCK found that over 50% of the colleges and universities investigated allow for the transmission of sensitive information over unencrypted (and therefore unprotected) email …
CIO concerns over security obstructing enterprise mobility
Despite a clear understanding of the benefits and drivers from the end-user community, companies have not mobilized many applications – and a large percentage are …
Security and privacy risks of top mobile apps
Appthority performed a static, dynamic and behavioral app analysis on the 400 most popular free and paid apps on the iOS and Android platforms. They analyzed each app for …
Spammers adapt and embrace popular themes
According to Kaspersky Lab, the percentage of spam in email traffic in June was up 1.4 percentage points and averaged at 71.1 per cent. Malicious attachments were found in 1.8 …
DDoS attack size growing dramatically
Arbor Networks released data on DDoS attack trends for the first half of 2013. The data shows that DDoS continues to be a global threat, with a clear increase in attack size, …
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Don't miss
- Prioritizing data and identity security in 2025
- eBook: What does it take to be a full-fledged virtual CISO?
- Building cyber resilience in banking: Expert insights on strategy, risk, and regulation
- CISO vs. CIO: Where security and IT leadership clash (and how to fix it)
- Why a push for encryption backdoors is a global security risk