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Where RFI attacks fall in the security threat landscape

New research from Incapsula yielded a few interesting facts about RFI attacks. The data for the report was collected by monitoring billions of web sessions over a 6-month …

AIAA releases framework for aviation cybersecurity

The American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) has released its decision paper “A Framework for Aviation Cybersecurity.” It outlines the existing …

Most government CIO budgets flat or increasing in 2013

Despite a continuing drive to lower the cost of IT services, nearly 75 percent of government IT budgets globally were reported as flat or increasing in 2013, according to the …

How much confidential info is left unprotected in SharePoint?

A Cryptzone security survey undertaken amongst SharePoint practitioners at the Microsoft conference in Las Vegas, reveals how many organizations have inadequate security and …

Experienced employees more important than a rising security budget

Tripwire announced the results of a survey of 167 attendees at Black Hat USA 2013. Many of those surveyed – 44 percent – said that if they could change one thing …

Most companies don’t have data breach cyber insurance

Companies now rank cyber security risks as greater than natural disasters and other major business risks, according to a new Ponemon Institute study. While only 31 percent of …

Expect more Android security issues in 2013

Android vulnerabilities, increased online banking threats and availability of sophisticated, inexpensive malware toolkits are among the growing concerns cited in Trend …

Top destinations for cyber security pros

Semper Secure announced the results of its Cyber Security Census. Based on a survey of 500 cyber security professionals from 40 different industries across 43 states, the …

Attackers are taking advantage of old vulnerabilities

FortiGuard Labs observed a 30 percent increase in mobile malware in the labs over the last six months. The team is now seeing more than 1,300 new samples per day, is currently …

Enterprises in denial regarding network security

Many enterprises possess an unrealistic confidence surrounding the security of their networks. According to a Lancope survey, more than 65 percent of IT/security professionals …

Cybergangs alter infrastructure abuse techniques

Phishing attack frequency declined 20 percent from Q4 2012 to Q1 2013, due to a precipitous drop in virtual server phishing attacks. APWG statistics indicate that phishing …

Universities are putting private financial data at risk

HALOCK found that over 50% of the colleges and universities investigated allow for the transmission of sensitive information over unencrypted (and therefore unprotected) email …

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