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Criminal attacks on healthcare increase 100 percent

As millions of new patients enter the U.S. healthcare system under the Affordable Care Act, patient records have become a smorgasbord for criminals. A new study on patient …

How do the top 100 UK ecommerce sites deal with personal data?

Dashlane assessed the password security procedures on the Top 100 e-commerce sites by examining 26 different password security criteria and awarding/docking points depending …

External IT security risks are increasing

Over two thirds (71.8%) of organizations believe that the IT security risks they face from external sources has increased. This is the key finding of annual industry research …

Do organizations care about data protection?

Most consumers just don’t believe that the personal and financial data they submit to corporations is safe. That’s the unmistakable takeaway from a new snap poll …

Without security, clouds can’t reign

A PerspecSys study, conducted on the show floor of RSA Conference 2014, polled 130 security professionals about their organizations’ policies and attitudes as they …

Fraudulent tax returns net nearly $4 billion for cybercriminals

ThreatMetrix announced the risks consumers face during tax season and strategies to protect taxpayer identities, especially when filing online returns. Of all potentially …

European IT pros reveal top reasons to monitor privileged users

BalaBit IT Security announced results of a recent survey of IT security professionals about use of privileged identity management (PIM) and privileged activity monitoring …

Cybersecurity concerns becoming a boardroom issue

The increasing frequency, sophistication, and business impact of cyber-attacks have pushed cybersecurity planning and protection from an operational concern of IT departments …

Major gaps found in the governance of emerging technologies

SailPoint published an infographic which outlines recent research results that indicate that while global enterprises are embracing – and in some instances mandating …

73% of companies are unprepared for disaster recovery

The Disaster Recovery Preparedness (DRP) Council announced findings from its benchmark study which show that 73% of respondent organizations worldwide are not taking adequate …

Scammers turn to Facebook for targeting

Scammers are increasingly taking advantage of Facebook targeting tools and user trust to push cheap pharmaceuticals, designer replicas and other products in a trend …

Trends shaping mobile forensics in 2014

Mobile forensic provider Cellebrite surveyed its customer base and conducted interviews with leading mobile forensic experts and analysts spanning the industry, asking their …

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