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Mobile security trends, concerns and misperceptions

PayPal and the National Cyber Security Alliance unveiled the results from a new Zogby Poll highlighting the latest trends, concerns and misperceptions around mobile security …

The cost and frequency of cyber attacks on the rise

The cost, frequency and time to resolve cyberattacks continue to rise for the fourth consecutive year, according to a global study by HP and the Ponemon Institute. The 2013 …

SSD adoption grows despite difficult data erasure and recovery

The overwhelming majority (82%) of UK CIOs, CTOs and IT managers predict that their use of SSD technology will increase over the next 12 months, according to new research from …

Users want to access all their content in just one secure place

Are you managing your content, or is your content managing you? An F-Secure survey shows that, with their photos, videos, and other documents scattered across various cloud …

Most unauthorized data access goes undetected

With a focus primarily on large enterprise organizations, a Vormetric study of 700 IT security decision-makers indicates that there are major gaps between existing security …

The safest cloud apps for the enterprise

Enterprises today no longer have a choice about whether they embrace the cloud as their employees are already using cloud apps to perform critical business functions, often …

The Internet of Things will change everything

The Internet of Things (IoT) represents a new construct in the ICT world that is occupying the minds of IT vendors, service providers, and systems integrators as it represents …

Are workers drowning in a sea of ineffective technology?

With the rise of mobile, the cloud and multiple device use, today’s workers are more connected than ever before, giving them access to high-volume streams of information …

Connections between personality types and phishing

Phishing scams are some of the most effective online swindles, hooking both savvy and naive computer users. New insights from researchers at the Polytechnic Institute of New …

Over 50% don’t protect their Android devices

Over 50 percent of Android-based smartphone and tablet owners do not use any security software to protect their devices against cyber-threats, according to Kaspersky Lab. This …

The motives behind nation state driven cyber attacks

FireEye released a report that describes the unique international and local characteristics of cyber attack campaigns waged by governments worldwide. “Cyber weapons are …

Average online bank account is accessed by 2.4 unique devices

Each month, The ThreatMetrix Global Trust Intelligence Network (The Network) screens more than 500 million site visitors, across more than 1,900 customers and 9,000 websites …

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