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Organizations need data analytics to tackle supply chain fraud

As complexity in global supply chain networks continues to increase, less than one-third (26 percent) of business executives are using data analytics tools and processes to …

The insider threat is growing

Vormetric and Ovum surveyed more than 500 IT decision-makers at mid and large size organizations in the UK, France and Germany. They found that only nine percent of businesses …

One third of phishing attacks target financial institutions

A new Kaspersky Lab study found that about one third (31.45 percent) of phishing attacks targeted online financial institutions including, banks, online stores and e-payment …

The dangers of using outdated software

Buy something and keep it long enough, and in time it will become vintage: cool, unique and a throwback to days gone by. But while vintage works for fashion, furniture and …

Attitudes about best practices for access control

An HID Global survey of 600 respondents revealed enterprise end users’ perceptions about change and the importance of industry best practices, and how well today’s …

Federal agencies face outsider threats and internal ignorance

A SolarWinds cybersecurity survey among federal IT pros revealed that while the majority of respondents describe their agencies as cybersecurity-ready, many still face attacks …

Are organizations prepared for a data breach?

82% of IT professionals are either “concerned” or “very concerned” that their organization will face a security breach in the next year, according to …

Key challenges to securing Software-Defined Data Centers

Tufin announced international survey results that highlight specific security challenges that need to be addressed in order to enable innovations such as the Software-Defined …

Windows XP to remain in most organizations after the deadline

Over three quarters (77 per cent) of UK organizations will have Windows XP running somewhere in their IT estate after the April 8th end of support deadline, according to …

CIOs are moving more information into the cloud

Despite continued concerns about security, CIOs and other senior-level IT leaders are moving an increasing percentage of their organizational information into the cloud and …

Cost of Advanced Evasion Techniques in recent data breaches

A new report by McAfee examines the controversy and confusion surrounding Advanced Evasion Techniques (AETs), and the role that they play in Advanced Persistent Threats …

Having a backup solution doesn’t prevent data loss

Results from a survey of customers who lost valuable computer data shows the majority of consumers and businesses are taking steps to back up their data, but a range of minor …

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