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Exploring risk-based security management in the industrial sector

Tripwire announced the results of research comparing risk-based security management in the industrial sector to that of other industries. The survey, conducted in April 2013 …

Avoiding fallout from Google’s blacklist

Small businesses remain prime targets for cybercrime. For small businesses, particularly entering the holiday season, the fallout from an attack is significant: hacked …

Merchants showing payment security awareness

ControlScan and Merchant Warehouse have jointly released the results of their survey of Level 4 merchants’ awareness, sentiment and progress toward securing cardholder …

The operations of a cyber arms dealer

FireEye researchers have linked eleven distinct APT cyber espionage campaigns previously believed to be unrelated, leading them to believe that there is a shared operation …

Apple-related phishing and online banking malware increase

As the holiday season approaches, Trend Micro is raising concern about the ongoing proliferation of Apple iOS phishing sites, as well as a sizable uptick in online banking …

Over 30 billion devices will be connected in 2020

With the digital world upon us, digitalization will significantly change the technology market through the Internet of Things, according to Gartner. While IT spending in …

The complexity of Android malware is increasing

259 new mobile threat families and variants of existing families were discovered by F-Secure Labs in the third quarter of 2013, according to the a new mobile threat report for …

Malware analysts regularly investigate undisclosed data breaches

ThreatTrack Security published a study that reveals mounting cybersecurity challenges within U.S. enterprises. Nearly 6 in 10 malware analysts reported they have investigated …

Fear of attacks leads to highly emotional decision making

Recent publicity about cyberattacks and data security breaches has increased IT risk awareness among CIOs, CISOs and senior business executives. However, Gartner’s 2013 …

Cybercriminals opting for real-time malware campaigns and phishing

The third quarter of 2013 saw further use of real-time malware campaigns and a dramatic increase in phishing sites, according to Commtouch. The ever-growing exploitation of …

Cybercrime gangs seek victims in untapped markets

A record number of brands were targeted by phishers in the second quarter of 2013, according to APWG. A total of 639 unique brands were targeted by phishing attacks in the …

Employees stuck with unauthorized file sharing services

Most employees (81%) access work documents on the go. Yet in the absence of an enterprise-grade file sharing alternative, 72% are resorting to unauthorized, free file-sharing …

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