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Cybercrime attack targets, victims, motivations and methods

Trustwave experts gathered the data from 691 breach investigations (a 54 percent increase from 2012) across 24 countries in addition to proprietary threat intelligence gleaned …

Insider threat and privileged user abuse

Despite heightened awareness of insider threats, most organizations continue to grapple with how to mitigate risks to their networks and sensitive information. According to a …

Legacy cybersecurity products failed to protect 97% of organizations

A new report examines attack data captured by FireEye security appliances from 1,217 organizations around the world from October 2013 to March 2014. Offering a unique glimpse …

Most compliance officers play little role in cyber security

Seventy-five percent of compliance officers are not involved in managing cyber security risk according to a report from Kroll and Compliance Week. In a survey of senior-level …

Half of security pros fail to secure data

Research conducted at Infosecurity Europe 2014 has revealed that 50% of security professionals do not secure data on portable storage devices such as USBs and external hard …

Passwords remain a problem for everyone

Passwords remain a problem even for tech-conscious consumers. In an F-Secure poll, 43% of respondents report using the same password for more than one important account …

Risk gaps between companies and their vendors

Organizations are failing to adequately address information technology and security risks that emerge from outsourcing and partnering with third-party vendors, according to a …

Application delivery networks are increasingly at risk

Data centers and modern application delivery networks are increasingly at risk, according to cPacket Networks. At the same time, the tools currently available do not allow the …

Cloud optimism outweighs surveillance and breach concerns

With the one year anniversary of the PRISM revelations approaching, CipherCloud gauged the attitudes and insights of attendees at Infosecurity Europe 2014. In light of EU …

Consumers have little security concern with BYOD

Despite the rise in the use of personal devices for business use, U.S. consumers are showing scant concern for security when it comes to BYOD. According to a recent survey by …

Cybercriminals targeting unlikely sources to carry out high-profile exploits

Cybercriminals continuously discover more ways to successfully target new outlets for financial theft, according to Trend Micro. Greed is motivating cybercriminals to take a …

Average enterprise generates 10,000 security events daily

Damballa released its Q1 2014 State of Infections Report, compiled from analysis of 50% of North American ISP Internet traffic and 33% of mobile traffic, plus large volumes of …

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