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Cybercriminals love PayPal, financial phishing on the rise

Kaspersky Lab’s experts reported a substantial increase in the amount of financial phishing in spam. There was a 7.9 percentage points increase in the amount of scam …

160,000 new malware samples appear each day

Malware is still being created at the record levels reached in the previous quarter: 15 million new samples were generated, at an average rate of 160,000 every day, according …

70% of IT pros experience weekly phishing attacks

69 percent of IT professionals experience phishing attacks at least once a week, with customer data cited most often as the type of data attacked, followed by financial …

70% of finance apps vulnerable to input validation attacks

A growing number of data breaches and security incidents can be directly linked to poor code quality, according to CAST. The data reveals finance and retail industry …

10 most significant software security design flaws

The IEEE Center for Secure Design, a cybersecurity initiative focused on the identification of software design flaws, released a report based on real-world data collected and …

470 million sites exist for 24 hours, 22% are malicious

Blue Coat researchers analyzed more than 660 million unique hostnames requested by 75 million global users over a 90-day period. They found that 71 percent of the hostnames, …

More students bringing mobile devices to class

Just like professionals, more and more students are taking their own devices with them. BYOD, a trend in the business world, is also gaining popularity in schools. With …

51% of consumers share passwords

Consumers are inadvertently leaving back doors open to attackers as they share log in details and sign up for automatic log on to mobile apps and services, according to new …

Infographic: Major security skills shortages

Cyber attacks are getting more advanced and hackers are getting smarter, yet businesses are facing major security skills shortages. The cost of breaches is thought to have …

Infographic: Honeypot cloud security data

New infographic data on hackers reveals that Russia stealing passwords is the least of our cyber worries. Recent data reveals that China and India are attacking U.S. servers …

86% of hackers don’t worry about repercussions

Thycotic announced the results of a survey of 127 self-identified hackers at Black Hat USA 2014. The survey found that 86% of hackers are confident they will never face …

IT has no choice but to embrace BYOD

Bring-Your-Own-Device (BYOD) and Bring-Your-Own-App (BYOA) trends started as a clandestine effort by employees to work more efficiently and grew rapidly. Since they …

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