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49% of security pros think Java apps are vulnerable to attacks

In a recent poll, half of the senior IT professionals polled said their Java applications are vulnerable (32%) or very vulnerable (17%) to attacks. They cited insecure coding …

Unlocking the hidden value of information

Unstructured content accounts for 90% of all digital information. This content is locked in a variety of formats, locations, and applications made up of separate repositories, …

Most dangerous superheroes to search for online

Though he has spent years fighting for good in comic books and on the big screen, Superman has emerged as one of the web’s biggest villains as he comes top in …

100+ DDoS events over 100GB/sec reported this year

Arbor Networks released global DDoS attack data derived from its ATLAS threat monitoring infrastructure. The data shows an unparalleled number of volumetric attacks in the …

96% of organizations hit by a security incident in the past year

A new ForeScout report revealed that more than 96 percent of organizations experienced a significant IT security incident in the past year. The majority of IT organizations …

Amazon-hosted malware triples in 6 months

Solutionary analyzed the threat landscape and identified the top 10 global ISPs and hosting providers that hosted malware out of more than 21,000 ISPs. Amazon remained the top …

Empowered Millennials expect BYOD

New data finds that Millennials—the new generation of workers born between the early 1980s and the early 2000s—are highly dedicated to their jobs and often times work well …

Businesses are deprioritizing information security

Businesses are deprioritizing information security and decreasing their investment in the destruction of confidential information, according to Shred-it. According to the …

Exploring the BYOD security dynamic

Webroot examined the use and security of personal mobile devices in the work environment from both the employee and employer perspectives. The initial survey, conducted in …

Consumers don’t trust any industry with their personal data

U.S. consumers have little faith that companies are able to keep their person data safe. The sentiment crosses nearly all industries with consumers saying that the lack of …

Nearly 70% of critical infrastructure providers suffered a breach

New research from Unisys finds alarming gaps in the security of the world’s critical infrastructure. Nearly 70 percent of companies surveyed that are responsible for the …

Global rise in Android banking and payment malware

Mobile banking and mobile payment malware – malicious software that can extort money from users by hijacking personal information and spoofing bank sites or apps to …

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