Low confidence in breach prevention
Despite increasing numbers of data breaches and the theft and loss of more than 2 billion data records worldwide since 2013, organizations continue to believe perimeter …
Consumers feel insecure using debit or credit cards
As data breaches at major retailers have compromised the personal information of millions of customers over the past few years, a new consumer trust survey from Honeywell …
People will do anything for free Wi-Fi
A new Wi-Fi investigation conducted on the streets of London shows that consumers carelessly use public Wi-Fi without regard for their personal privacy. In the experiment, …
Exploring today’s top security concerns
Security related topics are often front and center in the 24-hour news cycle, but what concerns Americans the most? According to a new national survey from University of …
Security policy management in hybrid cloud environments
A new survey by AlgoSec found that 79 percent of organizations need better visibility in order to unify security policy management across their on-premise and public cloud …
Trust in the cloud is at an all-time low
Data security and trust in cloud-based services are a rapidly growing concern for IT decision makers within large organizations, according to a new global study from BT. While …
Consumers increasingly blame companies for data breaches
Moving forward, every company involved in a major data breach—those actually attacked, such as retailers Home Depot, Target, Goodwill and Neiman Marcus, as well as banks, …
Energy IT pros show surprising optimism
Tripwire announced the results of a survey of 104 attendees at the EnergySec Security Summit in Texas. Industry research shows most breaches go undiscovered for weeks, months …
Emerging international data privacy challenges
According to a new survey from the Cloud Security Alliance there is a growing and strong interest in harmonizing privacy laws towards a universal set of principles. …
Companies becoming lax in managing BYOD risk
Exposure to risk is as much of a threat today as it was in 2013; however, organizations have become less diligent in BYOD management and mitigation, according to TEKsystems. …
Board practices regarding IT oversight and cybersecurity
Greater director involvement in social media oversight, concern about the Department of Homeland Security/NIST cybersecurity frameworks and increased use of IT consultants are …
High-volume DDoS attacks on the rise
A continuing trend of DDoS attacks are short in duration and repeated frequently. In parallel, high-volume and high-rate DDoS attacks were on the upswing in the first half of …