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Cybercriminals targeting unlikely sources to carry out high-profile exploits

Cybercriminals continuously discover more ways to successfully target new outlets for financial theft, according to Trend Micro. Greed is motivating cybercriminals to take a …

Average enterprise generates 10,000 security events daily

Damballa released its Q1 2014 State of Infections Report, compiled from analysis of 50% of North American ISP Internet traffic and 33% of mobile traffic, plus large volumes of …

Despite hearing about Heartbleed, 47% have not changed their passwords

In light of the recent Heartbleed bug, LifeLock announced survey results that reveal consumers’ behavior and attitudes surrounding the security flaw. The recent survey, …

Office workers have little trust in digital world

The majority of UK office workers have trouble deciding who to trust in the digital world, however this isn’t surprising considering 14 percent have already been badly …

Women CIOs report higher IT budget increases than their male counterparts

In 2014, female CIOs expect to increase their IT budgets 2.5 percent, whereas male CIOs report an average increase of 0.2 percent, according to a survey by Gartner, Inc. The …

Key focus areas for security technology investment

A new report from the Security for Business Innovation Council advocates three key areas for technology investment and recommendations for specific security technologies to …

A month after Heartbleed, many servers are still vulnerable

A month has passed since the existence of the OpenSSL Heartbleed bug has been shared with the public. Given that this open-source implementation of the SSL and TLS protocols …

Key trends in cloud usage, risks and malware

Skyhigh Networks released the third edition of its quarterly Cloud Adoption and Risk Report. “With this report, we uncovered trends beyond the presence of shadow IT in …

Are rogue employees the biggest threat to information security?

Rogue employees continue to be the biggest threat to information security, according to 37% of IT professionals polled by BSI at Infosecurity Europe 2014. The poll …

Growing dynamic in politically-motivated hacktivism

While financial cybercrime becomes ever more entrenched through a consolidating demand and supply chain, the hacktivist landscape is more turbulent, vacillating constantly in …

Industries on the cyber war front line

ThreatTrack Security published a study that looks at the security vulnerabilities of two industries most often targeted by cybercrime: energy and financial services. 72% of …

25% of breaches go undetected for more than a day

Recent data breaches have had little impact on the security controls of retail and financial organizations, according to Tripwire. Of the 102 financial organizations and 151 …

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