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Browser vulnerabilities to become biggest endpoint challenge

A growing number of flaws in web browsers is viewed as the biggest endpoint security headache by today’s IT decision-makers, according to Malwarebytes. With the number …

Corporate data: Protected asset or a ticking time bomb?

Despite a growing number of data breaches occurring under the glare of the public spotlight, 71 percent of employees in a new survey report that they have access to data they …

Cyber attacks now longer than ever

Cyber attacks have reached a tipping point in terms of quantity, length, complexity and targets. As cyber threats are growing and expanding to new targets, 52% of respondents …

Inside the minds of senior security leaders

More than 80 percent of security leaders believe the challenge posed by external threats is on the rise, while 60 percent also agree their organizations are outgunned in the …

Complicated password rules diminish online shopping convenience

The holiday shopping season is now fully underway, but the online shopping splurge is not over yet. Over half of Europeans plan to buy their gifts online, yet many are …

Key trends in online spending

ThreatMetrix identified several key trends in online spending over the holiday weekend. Mobile represented nearly 40 percent of all transactions Throughout Cyber Week this …

Health insurance online threats revealed

Websites hosted by external providers, excessive mobile app permissions and third party code libraries represent the biggest risks to users of health insurance web and mobile …

2015 predictions: Cyber attacks aimed at critical infrastructure, Attacks as a Service

In 2014, we witnessed the rise of POS malware and ransomware, more targeted, advanced evasion by both cyber crooks and hackers backed by nation states, and government grade …

Data loss and downtime costs enterprises $1.7 trillion

Data loss and downtime cost enterprises $1.7 trillion in the last twelve months, or the equivalent of nearly 50% of Germany’s GDP. Data loss is up by 400% since 2012 …

Cost savings drive businesses to the cloud

A survey of C-Level senior executives, developers and other industry delegates has found that 72% of respondents identified cost as the key benefit of using the cloud for the …

Cyber attacks impact purchasing behavior

As U.S. consumers head to malls and retail websites this holiday season, they do so increasingly concerned about the safety and security of their personal information. In …

Online shoppers are easily duped

A survey by One Poll and Dimensional Research on holiday shopping security practices evaluated online cybersecurity awareness of 2,011 consumers from the U.S. and U.K., and …

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