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86% of hackers don’t worry about repercussions

Thycotic announced the results of a survey of 127 self-identified hackers at Black Hat USA 2014. The survey found that 86% of hackers are confident they will never face …

IT has no choice but to embrace BYOD

Bring-Your-Own-Device (BYOD) and Bring-Your-Own-App (BYOA) trends started as a clandestine effort by employees to work more efficiently and grew rapidly. Since they …

How security practitioners deal with incident response

A spate of high-profile security breaches and attacks means that security practitioners find themselves thinking a lot about incident response, according to a new SANS survey. …

Data breaches and high-risk vulnerabilities continue to dominate

Cyber threats, data breaches and high-risk vulnerabilities have continued to dominate the first half of 2014. The severity of these attacks intensified against financial and …

How fast can security pros detect a breach?

Tripwire announced the results of a survey of 215 attendees at the Black Hat USA 2014 security conference in Las Vegas. Industry research shows most breaches go undiscovered …

Only 1 in 100 cloud providers meet proposed EU Data Protection requirements

The EU General Data Protection Regulation is expected to be passed this year and take effect in 2015 but new research from Skyhigh Networks, suggests that only 1 in 100 cloud …

Do CISOs deserve a seat at the leadership table?

ThreatTrack Security published a survey study of C-level executives that underscores a hotly-debated topic in executive circles: what is the role of the CISO? “The …

PCI compliance contributes to false sense of security

Despite industry data to the contrary, a new Tripwire retail cybersecurity survey indicates that organizations that rely on PCI compliance as the core of their information …

PC gamers increasingly under attack

Many gamers either disable their security or remove it altogether, thereby sacrificing protection to maximize system performance and leaving themselves vulnerable to …

IoT devices are filled with security flaws, researchers warn

We are living in an increasingly interconnected world, and the so-called Internet of Things is our (inescapable) future. But how safe will we, our possessions and our …

375 million customer records compromised in 2014

Between April and June of this year, there were a total of 237 breaches that compromised more than 175 million customer records of personal and financial information …

97% of Global 2000 remain vulnerable to due to Heartbleed

97 percent of Global 2000 organizations’ public-facing servers remain vulnerable to cyber attacks due to incomplete Heartbleed remediation, according to Venafi. This …

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