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Data classification ranks in top 3 security controls

Bloor Research surveyed 200 senior IT security executives in the UK and the US, all with organizations that have more than 1,000 employees. More than half (54%) of …

Top priorities for internal audit professionals

Internal audit professionals are making strides in meeting cybersecurity and data privacy standards, according to Protiviti. Much work remains, with many of the surveyed …

Financial firms are putting more stock in the cloud

Many financial firms are slowly putting more stock in the cloud. That’s a key finding from a new Cloud Security Alliance (CSA) survey, which targeted executives from …

How DDoS attacks impact service providers

There’s a striking disparity between how threatened service providers feel by potential DDoS attacks and how prepared they are to mitigate one, according to a Black …

Third-party security now a top business concern

Forrester found that when it comes to tracking third-party risk, critical data loss or exposure (63 percent) and the threat of cyber attacks (62 percent) ranked as the top …

A proactive approach to DDoS attack prevention

The increase in the frequency, volume and sophistication of DDoS attacks has helped boost the awareness of these threats among Asia-Pacific (APAC) enterprises. New analysis …

What’s the most common security threat for an organization?

IT professionals believe their organizations aren’t doing enough to protect critical data and systems, according to Sungard Availability Services. What is triggering …

How directors manage today’s key challenges

A nationwide survey of nearly 500 directors highlighted that daily risk oversight continues to be one of the central challenges facing boards, as well as an increased focus on …

Firewall: The king of network security

A new FireMon report, based on a survey of over 700 network security practitioners, reveals that firewalls remain highly strategic to organizations’ current and future …

Global experiment exposes the dangers of using Wi-Fi hotspots

A global Wi-Fi hacking experiment exposed major security issues regarding the browsing habits of users around the globe. Avast mobile security experts traveled to cities in …

Security threats and the retail industry

Only 18 percent of retail IT security professionals are concerned that point of sale devices are being targeted by cyber criminals, and only 20 percent are …

A threat assessment of 7 million iOS and Android apps

Android malware is growing more pervasive, and iOS devices are also increasingly at risk. FireEye analyzed seven million mobile apps on both Android and iOS platforms from …

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