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Are you prepared for dealing with a breach?

RSA, The Security Division of EMC, released the results of a new global breach readiness survey that covered thirty countries and compared those global results with a survey …

IoT devices facilitate robbery, stalking and cybercrime

The foundation of the Internet of Things (IoT) – the devices themselves plus their associated mobile applications and cloud services – are often not designed with …

What happens to data after a breach?

Bitglass undertook an experiment geared towards understanding what happens to sensitive data once it has been stolen. In the experiment, stolen data traveled the globe, …

What’s complicating your security readiness?

The growing proliferation and sophistication of hackers, combined with greater reliance on interconnected applications, devices and systems, has created a security environment …

Don’t just deploy a backup solution and hope for the best

Employing a backup solution does not entirely eliminate data loss, according to Kroll Ontrack. The 2015 survey of customers who lost valuable computer data confirms that the …

Consumers would sell personal information for a price

Consumers crave privacy, but do not typically alter actions to protect themselves, according to a global study conducted by the Ponemon Institute. A slight majority of …

Cyber threat intelligence: Perception and use

Most companies believe threat intelligence is essential for a well-rounded cybersecurity defense and has proven effective in stopping security incidents, according to a survey …

Companies now have 1,555 partners in the cloud

Security does not end at the corporate perimeter. After vendors served as entry points in recent high-profile breaches, security vulnerabilities associated with partners have …

Half of companies under DDoS attack have critical data stolen

Neustar surveyed IT professionals from across EMEA to understand the impact of DDoS attacks. 40 percent of companies estimate hourly losses of over £100,000 at peak times …

The importance of backup

Over 75 percent of consumers store their data digitally and more than 50 percent state that their personal data are more valuable than their actual devices – solidifying …

Most enterprise network teams now deal with security investigations

85 percent of enterprise network teams today are now involved with security investigations, indicating a major shift in the role of those teams within enterprises, according …

How companies secure their cloud data

As companies accelerate their adoption of the cloud, the cloud data footprint is expected to grow to 6.5 zettabytes by 2018. This rapid migration of data into the cloud …

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