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Massive growth in new ransomware, malware targeting Adobe Flash

“In the first quarter of 2015, McAfee Labs registered a 165 percent increase in new ransomware driven largely by the new, hard-to-detect CTB-Locker ransomware family, a …

90% of DLP violations occur in cloud storage apps

90 percent of data loss prevention (DLP) violations occur in cloud storage apps, and a large percentage of these are for enterprise confidential intellectual property or …

Users care about their privacy, but feel powerless to protect it

Users are resigned to the loss of privacy, but not because they feel they are getting good value for their data, but because they believe marketers will eventually get it …

What’s driving security budgets and technology purchases?

IT security and IT leaders and their staff members do not agree on security objectives, according to findings from a new global Ponemon study.One of the key findings from the …

Social media security is still a low priority

80 percent of IT professionals believe social media is an easy way for hackers to gain access to corporate networks because it is often neglected in terms of security, and …

Most vulnerabilities on enterprise networks are two years old

The NTT Innovation Institute and NTT Group security combined an analysis of over six billion attacks observed in 2014 with an interactive data review and ongoing daily global …

Stagnant budgets and rising insider security threats

A Vectra Networks survey of more than 500 cybersecurity professionals in the Information Security Community on LinkedIn reveals that insider threats are rising, but IT …

70% of breaches are detected by a third-party

46 percent of organizations that have suffered a data breach took more than four months to detect a problem, and more than three months to mitigate the risk. Worryingly, the …

Risk managers most worried about loss of information confidentiality

Almost 70 percent of businesses experienced at least one hacking incident in the last year, according to a study of business risk managers released today by The Hartford Steam …

Shadow IT is prevalent in government agencies

Despite clear benefits of cloud services – greater collaboration, agility, and cost savings – federal agencies are slow to migrate to the cloud due to security concerns. As a …

A fundamental shift in security spending

Firms are shifting their cyber security spend away from traditional Prevent & Protect approaches towards Detect & Respond operations, according to Pierre Audoin …

Confusion regarding strategic defenses for network security

RedSeal uncovered a high level of confusion regarding security issues in the network infrastructure. Nearly 60% of the 350 C-level executives surveyed believe they can …

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