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Criminal attacks in healthcare are up 125% since 2010

The healthcare industry is experiencing a surge in data breaches, security incidents, and criminal attacks—exposing millions of patients and their medical records, according …

Cyber attacks aren’t just targeting big business

81% of small business owners believe cyber security is a concern for their business, with 94% stating they frequently or occasionally think about cyber security issues.The …

Crimeware infects one-third of computers worldwide

The APWG reports that during the 4th quarter of 2014, a record number of crimeware variants were detected, a strategy of overwhelming proliferation of variations designed to …

The enduring chasm between security teams and developers

The gap between application builders (developers and development organizations) and defenders (security and operations teams responsible for securing apps) is closing …

Data security in the payments ecosystem

Experian Data Breach Resolution and the Ponemon Institute asked professionals to weigh in on several topics including who should be responsible for securing payment systems …

C-level executives are less confident than their boards or IT execs

A new Dimensional Research study examined corporate executives’ view of cybersecurity risks, as well as measured their confidence and preparedness in the event of a security …

Impact of new data protection legislation not widely understood

Almost a third of public and private sector professionals are not aware of what the forthcoming EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) will mean to them or their …

93% of DDoS attacks last 30 minutes

As the tide of DDoS attacks continues to expand, the rise of the Internet of Things (IoT) and the influx of network connected devices, such as webcams and routers, are leading …

Unpatched, vulnerable PDF readers leave users open to attack

Unpatched, vulnerable PDF readers are a big security issue for private PC users, according to Secunia. 14% of PC users in the US (up from 12.9% last quarter) have an unpatched …

Threats on government networks remain undetected for 16 days

Government cyber security professionals estimate that cyber threats exist on their networks for an average of 16 days before they are detected – hiding in plain sight.The good …

High volume DDoS attacks still persistent

Arbor Networks released global DDoS attack data that shows a continuation of extremely high volume attacks. In Q1 2015, there were 25 attacks larger than 100Gbps globally.In …

Big Data and analytics are changing the cybersecurity landscape

Stealing media headlines with a new breach almost every week, cybersecurity has skyrocketed to the top of boardroom discussion agendas. Yet an average of 35 percent of all …

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