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Commercial code is more compliant to security standards than open source code

A new report details the analysis of nearly 10 billion lines of source code through the Coverity Scan service and usage of the Synopsys Coverity Software Testing Platform.For …

More than a third of employees would sell company data

A Loudhouse survey on enterprise security practices reveals that 35 percent of employees would sell information on company patents, financial records and customer credit card …

Distrust in use of personal data could hinder business growth

A study from the Digital Catapult has explored trust in the use of personal data and revealed worrying trends which could hinder the delivery of digital services and business …

Can organizations hold back the tide of cloud adoption?

For many organisations holding back the tide of cloud-based services adoption is almost impossible as the use cases are overwhelming, according to a new report by analyst firm …

How complex attacks drive the IT security innovation race

There’s a need for organizations to reduce time to detection (TTD) in order to remediate against sophisticated attacks by highly motivated threat actors, according to …

Most employees don’t understand the value of data

New research from Fujitsu has revealed that only 7% of employees rate their business data higher than their personal information. The results highlight how employees don’t …

How experts stay safe online and what non-experts can learn from them

Google researchers have asked 231 security experts and 294 web-users who aren’t security experts about their security best practices, and the list of top ones for each group …

Smartwatches: A new and open frontier for attack

Smartwatches with network and communication functionality represent a new and open frontier for cyberattack, according to HP. They found that 100 percent of the tested …

Do CISOs deserve a seat at the leadership table?

A ThreatTrack security survey of C-level executives at U.S. enterprises employing a CISO found that despite a rash of high-profile data breaches in the last year, many in the …

Global managed security services market to reach $29.9 billion by 2020

The global managed security services market is expected to reach $29.9billion by 2020, registering a CAGR of 15.8% during 2014-2020, according to Allied Market Research.The …

It’s official: The average DDoS attack size is increasing

New global DDoS attack data from Arbor Networks shows strong growth in the average size of DDoS attacks, from both a bits-per-second and packets-per-second perspective.The …

Information security governance practices are maturing

Information security governance practices are maturing according to Gartner’s annual end-user survey for privacy, IT risk management, information security, business …

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