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Global cyber insurance market to grow to over $20 billion by 2025

Cyber risk is a major and fast-increasing threat to businesses with cyber-crime alone costing the global economy approximately $445 billion a year, with the world’s largest 10 …

Security pros acknowledge risks from untrusted certificates but take no action

A Venafi survey of 300 Black Hat USA 2015 attendees reveals that most IT security professionals understand and acknowledge the risks associated with untrustworthy certificates …

Half of iPhones on corporate networks run outdated iOS versions

Unpatched and end-of-life devices that are no longer supported by the manufacturer are much more prevalent than expected and create significant risk for corporate networks.Duo …

2015 saw 888 data breaches, 246 million records compromised worldwide

Gemalto revealed that in the first six months of this year a total of 888 data breaches occurred, compromising 246 million records worldwide.Compared to the first half of …

95% of websites in 10 new TLDs are suspicious

Much has changed since the early days of the Internet when the Web had only six common top level domains (TLDs). Back then, what most consumers and businesses encountered were …

Snoopers’ Charter will cause extreme rise in business costs

The UK Government’s Investigatory Powers Bill, dubbed ‘Snoopers’ Charter’ by critics, has already been met with contention from tech giants, Google, Facebook and Microsoft, …

What’s burning up resources for IT pros during the summer?

IT pros felt the heat this summer as they kept networks humming along for remote workers on vacation. Over the summer months, most organizations see a significant expansion in …

Hope is not a strategy, we need more healthy paranoia

35 percent of security experts believe leadership within their organization lacks a healthy paranoia, with 21 percent of leadership “relying on hope as a strategy” …

Should the removal of personal info posted online be a human right?

69% of online Americans agree that the ‘Right to be Forgotten’ should be a human right, 29% think it allows for censorship. Only 16% think the ‘right to be …

EMEA organizations are being pre-emptive about security

In EMEA, organisations are being pre-emptive about security due to the increasing threat posed by targeted attacks. These threats take the form of cyber-attacks that lie …

What drives employees to shadow IT?

While 94 percent of knowledge workers recognize the importance of collaboration and 83 percent use technology to collaborate, 59 percent are not satisfied with the tools they …

81% of healthcare organizations have been compromised

Eighty-one percent of health care executives say that their organizations have been compromised by at least one malware, botnet, or other cyber-attack during the past two …

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