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New DDoS attacks misuse NetBIOS name server, RPC portmap, and Sentinel licensing servers

Akamai has observed three new reflection DDoS attacks in recent months: NetBIOS name server reflection, RPC portmap reflection, and Sentinel reflection.In a reflection DDoS …

Are IT security pros optimistic or naïve?

Half of IT security practitioners in the U.S. view their organization as an unlikely target for attack, according to a Ponemon Institute survey of 614 IT security …

Social experiment: 200 USB flash drives left in public locations

Nearly one in five people who found a random USB stick in a public setting proceeded to use the drive in ways that posed cybersecurity risks to their personal devices and …

One in 20 apps on private PCs are end-of-life

Secunia Research revealed the state of security for PC users in a total of 14 countries, including the US. One in 20 applications on private US PCs are end-of-life and 12 …

The average organization experiences 9 insider threats each month

After analyzing actual cloud usage across over 23 million employees, Skyhigh Networks uncovered how user behaviours put companies at risk and how catching and managing this …

IT admits obstacles to user mobility due to security concerns

Organizations are challenged to meet demands for greater mobility as 92% of IT departments worldwide still restrict users from accessing sensitive corporate data and resources …

Tech-savvy users are actually the worst offenders

Even as businesses and the federal government have made cybersecurity a high priority, 93% of office workers engage in some form of unsafe online habits that could jeopardise …

1 in 4 organizations have experienced an APT

A new ISACA study found that more than one in four (28%) have already experienced an APT attack. The study found that mobile device security continues to lag at many …

8 key online fraud behaviors and patterns

Sift Science examined data from 1.3 million online transactions and profiles in various industries from August 2014 to August 2015. Data was cross-referenced with third-party …

Companies still lack security controls for accessing enterprise applications

Despite widespread and highly publicized security breaches, most companies still fail to require necessary security controls for accessing enterprise applications, including …

8 key online fraud behaviors and patterns

Sift Science examined data from 1.3 million online transactions and profiles in various industries from August 2014 to August 2015. Data was cross-referenced with third-party …

Consumers increasingly adopting personal security measures

With the increase of personal data being stored on mobile devices, a new survey showed that 61 percent of wireless consumers use PINs/passwords, up 20 percent from the survey …

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