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IT priorities are changing: Cloud-first strategy to rise

Bitglass conducted an survey of nearly 100 IT leaders attending the Gartner Symposium IT Expo in Orlando, Fla. to better understand their top challenges for 2016 and how they …

90% of directors believe regulators should hold firms liable for hacks

A new Veracode and NYSE Governance Services survey of 276 board members reveals how cybersecurity-related corporate liability is being prioritized in the boardroom.Nine out of …

Business leaders increasingly drive cloud migration

Vanson Bourne polled 500 UK IT and business decision-makers who have either been through or are currently planning a cloud migration project. They found that the decision to …

10% of enterprises have at least one compromised device

As the future of work evolves toward mobility, so will the future of data breaches and cybercrime. Recent attacks targeted mobile apps and operating systems to exfiltrate …

Raw threat data is not effective, it’s time for threat intelligence

A new Ponemon Institute survey includes insight from 692 IT and IT security professionals from both global businesses and government agencies, who answered more than …

Hard-hitting insights into global attacks targeting organizations

After collecting and analyzing data, based on a comprehensive review of incident response investigations conducted over the past three years on behalf of organizations across …

The value in vulnerability management platforms

A study conducted by Forrester Consulting assessed IT decision makers’ satisfaction with their current vulnerability management platforms and the challenges companies …

Most consumers believe cloud-based apps can be hacked

Consumers often don’t realize that the applications they depend upon daily live in the cloud and therefore many may be unaware of the threat of breach to their personal data, …

Nearly 2% of all smartphones are compromised or high risk

By analyzing worldwide threat Intelligence data based on millions of monthly security tests from July through September 2015, a new report found 41 percent of mobile devices …

China is the top target for DDoS reflection attacks

China bore the brunt of DDoS reflection attacks last month, with 61 percent of the top attack destinations observed hitting Chinese-based systems, according to Nexusguard. Of …

Most are unaware of the seriousness of medical data theft

Most remain unaware of their vulnerability to medical data theft, and the fact that it can be far more damaging than credit card or social security number compromise, …

The top threat vector for mobile devices? Porn

As mobile devices become more deeply woven into the fabric of our personal and work lives, cyber criminals are taking increasingly vicious and disturbingly personal shots at …

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