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Cloud encryption and tokenization trends in financial services

The adoption of the cloud continues to grow rapidly with Gartner forecasting $282 billion in spending by 2018.“As financial services adopt the cloud, strict compliance …

Organizations on the hunt for DevOps, IoT and mobile skills

Red Hat released findings from its recent mobile survey revealing trends in enterprise mobility hiring priorities for 2015. According to the survey, 50 percent of …

Commercial code is more compliant to security standards than open source code

A new report details the analysis of nearly 10 billion lines of source code through the Coverity Scan service and usage of the Synopsys Coverity Software Testing Platform.For …

More than a third of employees would sell company data

A Loudhouse survey on enterprise security practices reveals that 35 percent of employees would sell information on company patents, financial records and customer credit card …

Distrust in use of personal data could hinder business growth

A study from the Digital Catapult has explored trust in the use of personal data and revealed worrying trends which could hinder the delivery of digital services and business …

Can organizations hold back the tide of cloud adoption?

For many organisations holding back the tide of cloud-based services adoption is almost impossible as the use cases are overwhelming, according to a new report by analyst firm …

How complex attacks drive the IT security innovation race

There’s a need for organizations to reduce time to detection (TTD) in order to remediate against sophisticated attacks by highly motivated threat actors, according to …

Most employees don’t understand the value of data

New research from Fujitsu has revealed that only 7% of employees rate their business data higher than their personal information. The results highlight how employees don’t …

How experts stay safe online and what non-experts can learn from them

Google researchers have asked 231 security experts and 294 web-users who aren’t security experts about their security best practices, and the list of top ones for each group …

Smartwatches: A new and open frontier for attack

Smartwatches with network and communication functionality represent a new and open frontier for cyberattack, according to HP. They found that 100 percent of the tested …

Do CISOs deserve a seat at the leadership table?

A ThreatTrack security survey of C-level executives at U.S. enterprises employing a CISO found that despite a rash of high-profile data breaches in the last year, many in the …

Global managed security services market to reach $29.9 billion by 2020

The global managed security services market is expected to reach $29.9billion by 2020, registering a CAGR of 15.8% during 2014-2020, according to Allied Market Research.The …

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