DDoS aggression and the evolution of IoT risks
Few organizations globally are being spared DDoS attacks, according to a Neustar survey of over 1,000 IT professionals across six continents. With the bombardment fairly …

Cybercriminals increasingly exploiting human nature
Cybercriminals are exploiting human nature as they rely on familiar attack patterns such as phishing, and increase their reliance on ransomware, finds the Verizon 2016 Data …

Presidential primary election apps may expose sensitive data
Did you know that there are over 1,200 Android apps, both official and unofficial, that help voters keep track of the happenings in the US presidential primary? Better yet, …

Attackers opt for discreet methods to spy inside the network
For its latest report, Vectra analyzed data from 120 customer networks comprised of more than 1.3 million hosts over the first quarter of 2016. All organizations showed signs …

Most organizations still lack visibility into database assets
Only 19 percent of organizations have what the organization considers to be “excellent” visibility into their data and database assets, according to Osterman …

Compromised credentials still to blame for many data breaches
Compromised credentials are still the cause of almost a quarter of all data breaches, according to the Cloud Security Alliance (CSA). Data breaches, account hijacking and …

The future of ICS security depends on OT-centric security solutions
New cybersecurity operational technologies are emerging to protect industrial control systems (ICS) against impending IT threats and attacks. ABI Research indicates that …

Increase in credit card leaks with high profile apps and sites
A new report reveals a continued rise in apps and mobile websites leaking credit card data, with several new cases from prominent brands, including the Hong Kong metro system. …

A global data analysis of hostile activity
Solutionary’s latest Global Threat Intelligence Report contains information from 24 security operations centers, seven R&D centers, 3.5 trillion logs, 6.2 billion …

Ransomware attacks escalate, companies largely unprepared
Ransomware attacks against endpoints have recently taken place against hospitals in the US and Germany. Attacks have increased in severity to the point that the FBI issued an …

Exposing the Cybercrime as a Business model
Trustwave released a new report which reveals the top cybercrime, data breach and security threat trends from 2015. Experts gathered real-world data from hundreds of breach …

Employees risk corporate security by accessing pirated content
6 in 10 Brits who use personal devices for work also use the same device for streaming or downloading pirated content. Whilst the research, conducted by OnePulse, found that …