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cyber resilience
Making the financial sector more resilient to cyber attack

Firms across the financial and related professional services industry need to take urgent action on cyber risk, according to a new report from TheCityUK and Marsh. There were …

The changing economics of the digital ecosystem

The GSMA published a new report examining the structure, economic drivers and financial performance of the global Internet economy and its respective segments. The research …

You are what you click: Online search security risks

When it comes to the desire for the ideal body, people may be willing to sacrifice their online security if it takes them a step closer to achieving desired results, according …

How developers fight the rise in web application attacks

Recent reports highlight the challenge faced by developers in securing code as attacks against web applications increase, while security budgets for developers remain low, …

Cybercrime economy: The business of hacking

The profile of typical cyber attackers – and the interconnected nature of their underground economy – have evolved in the last several years. Adversaries are …

Only two percent of IT experts consider third-party secure access a top priority

Soha Systems released a report based on a survey conducted by the newly formed Soha Third-Party Advisory Group, which consists of security and IT experts from Aberdeen Group, …

Most organizations can’t protect digital information in the long-term

New research has revealed that the majority of organizations do not have a coherent long-term strategy for their vital digital information even though virtually all of them …

close laptop
Many Americans refrain from shopping, stating opinions online

Recently released results of a survey by the US Department of Commerce’s National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) have revealed that security …

Security spending rises in areas ineffective against multi-stage attacks

Vormetric announced the results of the Financial Services Edition of the 2016 Vormetric Data Threat Report (DTR). This edition extends earlier findings of the global report, …

Top 20 risk factors for retailers

According to BDO’s analysis of risk factors listed in the most recent 10-K filings of the 100 largest US retailers, risk associated with a possible security breach was …

password unlock
Do users’ perceptions of password security match reality?

Think your password is secure? You may need to think again. People’s perceptions of password strength may not always match reality, according to a recent study by CyLab, …

Bridging the security automation gap

Security management has gotten out of hand, according to our recent State of Automation in Security Report. 48% of survey respondents had an application outage as a result of …

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