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analytics IT assets
Feds are using big data analytics for cybersecurity, but is it effective?

81 percent of Feds say their agency is using big data analytics for cybersecurity in some capacity – 53 percent are using it as a part of their overall cybersecurity strategy …

How much of a risk is BYOD to network security?

We’re all familiar with BYOD dangers: data breaches exploited because of a lack of proper security protocols and encryption on devices or missed operating system …

Users lock
The current state of privileged access management practices

There’s a widening gulf between organizations that adhere to best practices for privileged access management, according to BeyondTrust. Password and credential …

KPMG security
Consumers ready to walk away from their favorite retailers if a breach occurs

Consumers are wary of the increased frequency of cyber attacks against retailers, and many are ready to walk away from their favorite retailers if a breach occurs. In fact, in …

UK universities hit repeatedly with ransomware, one over 21 times!

63 percent of UK universities have been hit by ransomware – most of them multiple times, and Bournemouth University a total of 21 times in the last year, SentinelOne has …

Privileged user abuse and the insider threat

Although insider leaks and attacks continue to multiply, a Ponemon Institute study found that 58 percent of IT operations and security managers believe their organizations are …

The deception technology market is exploding

The global deception technology market is expected to generate a revenue of USD 1.33 billion by 2020, according to Technavio. Deception technology was introduced as an …

Is security enabling or compromising productivity?

While most organizations fundamentally believe connecting people to the best technology is vital to business productivity, many struggle to achieve agility due to traditional …

Banking customers hesitant to use mobile features due to security concerns

Banking customers are hesitant to use mobile features due to fraud and security concerns, according to Kaspersky Lab and IDC Financial Insights. Their findings show that of …

Lack of security talent is a threat to corporate safety

Large businesses with a small amount of full-time security experts pay almost three times more to recover from a cyberattack than those businesses with in-house expertise, …

Five tips to help execute an employee training program

One of the best ways to reduce the risk of data breaches is employee training. This is particularly important during the fall “back to business” season when many …

Organizations still unprepared for malicious insiders

Organizations globally believe they are their own worst enemy when it comes to cybersecurity, with 45 percent saying they are ill-equipped to cope with the threat of malicious …

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