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Exploring data security in the legal sector and beyond

BitSight analyzed the Security Ratings of more than 20,000 organizations in six industries – Finance, Legal, Healthcare, Retail, Government and Energy. The objective was to …

80% of digital publishers don’t know how their web traffic is audited

The burden of proof is on publishers to defend their web traffic, yet 80 percent admit they don’t have insight into how their traffic is audited, raising questions about which …

Next year, attacks will differentiate to penetrate new vulnerable surfaces

The upcoming year will include an increased breadth and depth of attacks, with malicious threat actors differentiating their tactics to capitalize on the changing technology …

Over 400,000 phishing sites have been observed each month during 2016

84 percent of phishing sites observed in 2016 existed for less than 24 hours, with an average life cycle of under 15 hours. The data collected by Webroot shows that …

mobile device
Corporate data left unprotected in the wild

A new survey conducted by YouGov has highlighted the risks to corporate data from poor encryption, and employee use of unauthorised and inadequately protected devices. The …

Governments are behind on data encryption in the public cloud

A HyTrust survey of 59 government and military organizations found that nearly 20 percent of those respondents do not implement data security or encryption solutions in the …

Top 6 breach response best practices for 2017

Cybercrime costs are expected to rise to $2 trillion by 2018, according to Juniper Research, in large part because the increase in cyber threats is resulting in a surge in …

The global decline of cybersecurity confidence

Tenable Network Security solicited insights from 700 security practitioners in nine countries and across seven industry verticals to calculate a global index score reflecting …

Intentional or not, insider threats are real

Despite the perception that hackers are a company’s biggest cybersecurity threat, insiders, including careless or naive employees, are now viewed as an equally important …

Most email authentication implementations fail

Most of the world’s largest businesses fail at attempts to use open industry standards to control which email is sent using their names. Three quarters of large …

cloud hand
50% of businesses not leveraging public cloud

While more than 50 percent of respondents are not currently leveraging public cloud, 80 percent plan on migrating more within the next year, according to TriCore Solutions. As …

65% of social engineering attacks compromised employee credentials

Social engineering is having a notable impact on organizations across a range of industrial sectors in the US. In fact, 60 percent of surveyed security leaders say their …

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