Are businesses spending their money on the wrong IT security?
Thales, a leader in critical information systems, cybersecurity and data security, announces the results of its 2017 Thales Data Threat Report, issued in conjunction with …

Connected homes and new hacking risks
Eight out of ten US consumers have a home data network and more than a third of them connect entertainment systems, gaming consoles and other smart devices to the Internet, …

Five emerging technology trends essential to business success
People hold the power to shape and apply technology to create positive change, improve lives, and transform business and society, according to Accenture Technology Vision …

Most organizations are unaware of daily malicious activity
A new DomainTools survey of more than 550 security analysts, IT managers, and executives revealed that the majority of organizations are struggling to monitor and prevent …

Top 10 most malware-infected US cities
Webroot revealed the top 10 most malware-infected US cities. According to Webroot’s data, Houston is the most infected US city with 60,801 infected devices. The research …

Security budgets shifting from prevention to detection
According to industry estimates, enterprises have historically spent more than 75% of their infosec technology budgets on preventative technologies. According to a new survey …

Consumers worried about privacy more than ever
84% of U.S. consumers expressed concern regarding the security of their personally identifiable information (PII) and 70% told IDC that their concern is greater today than …

Innovation and exploitation fuel DDoS attack landscape
Arbor Networks released its 12th Annual Worldwide Infrastructure Security Report offering direct insights from network and security professionals at global service providers, …

Key cloud adoption trends and challenges for government entities
Cloud computing has become a trending topic for federal CIOs in the last few years, according to Netwrix. In response to the Obama administration’s cloud-first …

Family dynamics in a connected world
A new global study by Intel Security aims to better comprehend how families’ attitudes and habits are evolving as their homes and lifestyles become increasingly connected. …

54% of Americans say existing cyber security laws aren’t getting the job done
As President Trump and the new Congress stake out a 2017 agenda, Americans want to see a pressing need to modernize laws dealing with the digital economy and stepped up …

Global data privacy laws: The #1 cross-border e-discovery challenge
In the year since the EU’s rejection of Safe Harbor, there has been a spike in legal concern over cross-border data transfers, according to a survey by BDO Consulting. Sixty …
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- CISOs, are your medical devices secure? Attackers are watching closely
- Cybersecurity classics: 10 books that shaped the industry
- NIST selects HQC as backup algorithm for post-quantum encryption
- NetBird: Open-source network security
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