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Mobile workers continually expose organizations to security risks

29 percent of organisations have already experienced either a data loss or breach as a direct result of mobile working, according to research conducted by Vanson Bourne. As …

Worldwide infosec spending to reach $90 billion in 2017

Enterprises are transforming their security spending strategy in 2017, moving away from prevention-only approaches to focus more on detection and response, according to …

Most security pros expect increasing attacks on Industrial Internet of Things

A new Dimensional Research survey looked at the rise of Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) deployment in organizations, and to what extent it is expected to cause security …

Secure operations automation: Close the gap between security and operations teams

A new voke survey of 318 participants from companies of varying sizes globally, focuses on the need to operationalize security through secure operations automation practices …

Total security appliance market shows positive growth

The total security appliance market showed positive growth in both vendor revenue and unit shipments for the fourth quarter of 2016, according to IDC. Worldwide vendor …

What’s the security posture of the Fortune 1000?

BitSight analyzed the security posture of some of the world’s largest organizations, and identified the most common system compromises. For comparison, Fortune 1000 companies …

open lock
21% of websites still use insecure SHA-1 certificates

New research from Venafi Labs shows that 21 percent of the world’s websites are still using certificates signed with the vulnerable Secure Hash Algorithm, SHA-1. On February …

connected house
Connected home solutions adoption remains limited

Adoption of newer connected home solutions is still at the early adopter phase, according to Gartner. The survey, of nearly 10,000 online respondents in the U.S., the U.K. and …

Businessman juggling
Key areas for risk managers in 2017 and beyond

A majority of banks and other financial institutions surveyed are not confident about their firms’ effectiveness in managing cybersecurity and geopolitics, two of the …

Are enterprises ready for drones?

From package delivery to props in major sporting events, drones continue to play major roles in everyday life. But are enterprises prepared for the rise of the drones in their …

The agile IT stack grows and becomes more complex

BigPanda’s annual survey evaluated the current IT monitoring landscape, including a review of the most popular tools for monitoring, deployment, and ticketing/collaboration; …

Attackers thrive in a fluid market, while bureaucracy constrains defenders

A new global report from Intel Security and the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) reveals three categories of misaligned incentives: corporate structures …

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