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cloud proliferation
Organizations still unclear on cloud security responsibility

Vanson Bourne surveyed 1,300 IT decision makers from organizations using public cloud Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) from the Americas, Europe, Middle East and Africa …

connected house
Trusted identities bridge gap between connected workers and smart buildings

Trusted identities can serve as the backbone for smart buildings and today’s connected workforce, according to a new study conducted by IFSEC Global. The study focused on how …

Businessman juggling
When it comes to cybersecurity, businesses remain overconfident and vulnerable

Consumer products companies, retailers and restaurant businesses may be operating with a false sense of security, according to a new Deloitte study. The study captures input …

Average data breach cost declines 10% globally

The average cost of a data breach is $3.62 million globally, a 10 percent decline from 2016 results. This is the first time since the global study was created that there has …

When it comes to trustworthy websites, banks drop the ball

OTA’s ninth annual Online Trust Audit & Honor Roll analyzed more than 1,000 consumer-facing websites for their website and email security and privacy practices. The Audit …

Cybersecurity trends: Fight against cybercrime shows both improvements and downsides

Trustwave released the 2017 Trustwave Global Security Report which reveals the top cybercrime, data breach and security threat trends from 2016. The report demonstrates both …

artificial intelligence
Perception and reality: The role of AI and automated cyber defenses

Executives in the U.S. and Europe now place broad trust in artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning systems, designed to protect organizations from more dynamic …

Most corporate finance leaders expect to change fraud-fighting strategies

Today’s senior finance executives are battling record levels of fraud, in turn narrowing corporate focus and limiting resources that could otherwise be devoted to …

DevSecOps: Build a bridge between fast and secure software development

Despite the pervasive belief that security and development teams have conflicting priorities, initiatives such as creating DevOps environments and focusing on product …

Is Europe ready for GDPR?

What impact will GDPR have on businesses across the UK, France, Belgium and Luxemburg? Vanson Bourne surveyed 625 IT decision makers in four countries and found that the UK is …

Fine-tuning the SOX compliance process

The annual Sarbanes-Oxley (SOX) Compliance Survey released by Protiviti reveals a new set of challenges facing public companies amid their compliance efforts. PCAOB audit …

Cloud DLP policy violations rise as Slack, HipChat, and similar services increase in popularity

Cloud DLP policy violations in collaboration services like Slack and HipChat are on the rise, accounting for nearly 10 percent of total violations this quarter, according to …

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