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Most companies fail to measure cybersecurity effectiveness

Thycotic released its first annual 2017 State of Cybersecurity Metrics Report which analyzes key findings from a Security Measurement Index (SMI) benchmark survey of more than …

connected house
90% of consumers think security should be built into smart devices

90% of consumers polled from Brazil, China, Germany, India, UK and US believe it is important that a connected device has security built into the product, digital platform …

Only 2% of “GDPR-ready” organizations are actually compliant

Only nine percent of UK organizations that believe they are prepared for the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) actually are, new research from Veritas has found. In …

threat hunting
Secrets of successful threat hunters and SOCs

McAfee has polled over 700 IT and security professionals from a diverse set of countries, industries, and organization sizes about the role of threat hunting and the evolution …

Companies unprepared to measure incident response

Companies struggle to keep up with and respond to cyberattacks due to lack of resources, according to Demisto. For example, more than 40 percent of respondents said their …

Destruction of Service attacks could shut down organizations for good

The Cisco 2017 Midyear Cybersecurity Report (MCR) uncovers the rapid evolution of threats and the increasing magnitude of attacks, and forecasts potential Destruction of …

Every organization is only one click away from a potential compromise

Information security staffs are so single-minded about defending their organizations from external attack that they all but ignore a threat with vastly greater potential for …

Organizations seeking way to balance development agility with application security

A new DigiCert survey reveals that 98 percent of enterprises integrating their security teams into their existing DevOps methodologies. Or, at least they’re trying to. Their …

Many businesses spend more than $100,000 annually on additional cloud security features

Businesses prefer storing data in the cloud but plan to invest in extra security precautions, according to B2B ratings and reviews firm Clutch. Nearly 70% of businesses on the …

USA flag
US data breaches surge, businesses and healthcare organizations hit hardest

The number of US data breaches tracked through June 30, 2017 hit a half-year record high of 791, according to recent numbers released by the Identity Theft Resource Center …

AI technologies will be in almost every new software product by 2020

Market hype and growing interest in artificial intelligence (AI) are pushing established software vendors to introduce AI into their product strategy, creating considerable …

Enterprises face 3,680 potential phishing emails each week

GreatHorn analyzed more than 3.5 terabytes of data – over 373 million corporate emails – to gain insights into the sheer volume of email threats facing enterprises …

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