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Outsmarting grid security threats

Almost two-thirds (63 percent) of utility executives believe their country faces at least a moderate risk of electricity supply interruption from a cyberattack on electric …

IT concerned about losing jobs while industry worried about IT talent shortage

While the cybersecurity industry is desperately trying to manage a worldwide shortage of qualified cybersecurity professionals, 56 percent of these professionals fear they’ll …

Top blacklisted Android and iOS apps by enterprises

Enterprises blacklist apps for a range of security concerns, including specific malicious or data leakage behaviors, security policy compliance and concerns about shadow data …

When it comes to data breaches, consumers don’t know where to turn

The results of a new Identity Theft Resource Center (ITRC) study on consumer perceptions and behaviors in response to identity theft and data breaches demonstrate widespread …

How boardrooms are safeguarding digital assets

More than 90 percent of surveyed senior business leaders agree that strong technology governance contributes to improved business outcomes and increased agility, according to …

Most companies are unprepared for DNS attacks

DNS security is often overlooked when it comes to cybersecurity strategy, with most companies inadequately prepared to defend against DNS attacks. Dimensional Research …

Outdated vendor systems leaving finance industry at risk

BitSight data scientists found that in most cases, companies in the finance industry supply chain are not meeting the same security standards that finance companies hold for …

Cybercriminals increasingly focusing on credential theft

Criminal tactics used to access user credentials are growing in prevelance, and that a record 47 percent of all malware is new or zero day, and thus able to evade …

Inadequate IT processes continue to create major security and compliance risks

The results of a study of more than 900 IT security professionals, conducted by Dimensional Research, spotlights how common security best practices – such as timely …

Company directors are increasingly involved with cybersecurity

According to a new survey by BDO USA, 79% of public company directors report that their board is more involved with cybersecurity than it was 12 months ago and 78% say they …

Only 45% of organizations have a structured plan for GDPR compliance

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) will go into effect in 2018, making organizations accountable for personal data protection including how and where data is stored …

Which security investments make a difference?

Costly cyber attacks are having a significant and growing financial impact on businesses worldwide. According to Accenture and the Ponemon Institute, in 2017 the average cost …

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