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Facebook’s trust crisis: Has it harmed democracy?

Barraged by accusations of spreading divisive fake news and amid new allegations that it handed over personal information on up to 50 million users without their consent, …

Understanding email fraud: Do you have visibility into email threats?

82% of boards are concerned with email fraud, and 59% consider it a top security risk – no longer just an IT issue. Yet 30% of respondents to a survey conducted by …

Middle East oil and gas companies are unprepared to address OT cyber risk

Cyber security breaches in the Middle East are widespread and frequently undetected, with 30 percent of the region’s attacks targeting operational technology (OT), finds a new …

AI deployments to drive investments in storage, networking, and cloud infrastructure

The race for making perfect hardware to accelerate artificial intelligence (AI) applications is heating up and many companies are jumping in with their products and solutions. …

Have you evaluated the cost of a cloud outage?

New findings from a study by Veritas Technologies, indicate that 60 percent of respondents have not fully evaluated the cost of a cloud outage to their business and are …

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Cybercriminals launder money through mansions, private islands and crypto currency

Cybercriminal proceeds make up an estimated 8-10 percent of total illegal profits laundered globally, amounting to an estimated $80-$200 billion each year, according to a …

Research explores minority representation within the cybersecurity field

A new (ISC)2 report measures minority representation in the U.S. cybersecurity profession and aims to understand the challenges these highly skilled individuals experience. …

IT leaders wrestling hyper-converged infrastructure security

New research from WinMagic, surveying over 1,000 IT Decision Makers (ITDM) about hyper-converged infrastructure (HCI) has revealed flexibility (65%), performance (58%) and …

Meltdown and Spectre will delay patching for most organizations

Complexity and challenges associated with the Spectre and Meltdown patches will result in companies delaying future patch rollouts, according to Barkly. 72% of organizations …

Big data and insurance: Implications for innovation and privacy

The use of big data analytics in insurance offers societal benefits, as improved understanding of risks can inform risk reduction and enhance insurability. However, …

Cyber resiliency: Risks organizations take every day

77 percent of respondents to a study conducted by Ponemon Institute admit they do not have a formal cyber security incident response plan (CSIRP) applied consistently across …

Security analyst salary survey: Find out what you are worth

With cyberthreats showing no sign of abating and new regulations, like GDPR, continuing to appear, the role of the security or SOC analyst is as important as ever. Yet by all …

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