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Not all malware is created equal

Lastline’s Q4 2017 Malscape Monitor Report delivers previously unavailable trends and actionable insights into malicious behaviors and how threats unfold. The MIME types …

Largest inhibitor of cyber insurance market growth? Silent cyber risk

A new study of the UK cyber risk insurance and broker community reveals startling findings. First and foremost, the insurance industry needs to address non-affirmative cyber …

IT workforce increasingly overworked and stressed out

45% of IT workers are feeling the pressure of strained technology operations and suffer regular stress in their jobs, according to Chess Cybersecurity. IT staff who said they …

Energy security pros worry about catastrophic failure due to cyberattacks

70 percent of energy security professionals are concerned that a successful cyberattack could cause a catastrophic failure, such as an explosion, a recent survey has shown. Of …

Organizations are becoming more resilient to focused cyber attacks

Accenture has polled 4,600 security decision makers at US$1B+ companies in 15 countries to understand the effectiveness of security efforts and the adequacy of existing …

Tech-skilled cybersecurity pros in high demand and short supply

The worldwide cybersecurity skills gap continues to present a significant challenge, with 59 percent of information security professionals reporting unfilled cyber/information …

Most US consumers don’t trust companies to keep their data private

While a majority of the US public sees companies’ ability to keep data private as absolutely key, it has little trust in companies to do so. In fact, only 20 percent of them …

Devs know application security is important, but have no time for it

Sonatype polled 2,076 IT professionals to discover practitioner perspectives on evolving DevSecOps practices, shifting investments, and changing perceptions, and the results …

1-in-4 orgs using public cloud has had data stolen

McAfee has polled 1,400 IT professionals across a broad set of countries (and continents), industries, and organization sizes and has concluded that lack of adequate …

2.6 billion records were stolen, lost or exposed worldwide in 2017

Gemalto released the latest findings of the Breach Level Index, revealing that 2.6 billion records were stolen, lost or exposed worldwide in 2017, an 88% increase from 2016. …

Many businesses struggling to meet GDPR deadline

IT decision makers across the U.S., UK, France, and Germany are still missing an opportunity to transform their business through a holistic data management approach that …

How many can detect a major cybersecurity incident within an hour?

Less than half of all organizations were able to detect a major cybersecurity incident within one hour. Even more concerning, less than one-third said that even if they …

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