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DDoS attack frequency grows 40%, low volume attacks dominate

The frequency of DDoS attacks have once again risen, this time by 40% year on year, according to Corero Network Security. While frequency has increased, the duration of …

mobile apps
Mobile fraud is increasing, attack rates rising 24% year-over-year

ThreatMetrix released new cybercrime insights from the first half of 2018, revealing a sharp rise in fraud attack levels on mobile transactions. As consumer behavior …

Phished credentials caused twice as many breaches than malware in the past year

Personal device use for remote work poses the biggest security risk to organisations safeguarding their increasingly mobile and cloud-based IT environment, according to a new …

Password inadequacy remains a top threat

New research from the WatchGuard Threat Lab revealed that 50 percent of government and military employee LinkedIn passwords were weak enough to be cracked in less than two …

Global market for smart city platforms expected to reach $755 million by 2027

Driven by Internet of Things (IoT) deployments, as well as other smart technologies, smart city platforms provide the integrated capability to coordinate data, applications, …

How internal dysfunction puts your network at risk

IDG polled 200 network and cybersecurity professionals across the U.S. & Canada, and found almost inevitable consequences for organizations where network and …

Many adults want to reskill for cybersecurity careers

A new survey from Champlain College Online shows that not only are the majority of Americans concerned about cybersecurity threats, but many are willing to consider returning …

Election infrastructure security: Should we use Internet voting?

To protect the integrity and security of U.S. elections, all local, state, and federal elections should be conducted using human-readable paper ballots by the 2020 …

building blocks
How metrics can enhance the effectiveness of security programs

For anyone responsible for maintaining their organization’s security posture, the findings from the SANS 2018 Security Operations Center (SOC) Survey should come as no …

How leadership implements cyber resiliency across their organizations

A majority of executives around the world feel they face a “specialist-generalist” dilemma as to whom leads on cyber resiliency due to its critical nature across …

IoT security
IT security teams are being locked out of IoT projects

Trend Micro revealed that organizations around the world are exposing themselves to unnecessary cyber risk by failing to give IT security teams a voice when planning IoT …

cloud binary
Software-defined networking is turning concern about security in the cloud on its head

In an era when enterprises always have to grapple with processing large amount of information through big data technology, security has emerged as the most important measure …

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