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Half of business leaders say a breach could end their business, others remain unaware

A majority (58 percent) of executives at SMBs are more concerned about suffering a major data breach than a flood, a fire, a transit strike or even a physical break-in of …

40% of malicious URLs were found on good domains

While tried-and-true attack methods are still going strong, new threats emerge daily, and new vectors are being tested by cybercriminals, according to the 2019 Webroot Threat …

By 2025 workforce most likely to consist of humans and bots

The workforce, workplace, and the technologies that support them will be so different by 2025 that enterprises need to provide global access and ensure continuous uptime now. …

Akamai report
Fighting credential stuffing attacks is an uphill battle

Hackers directed credential abuse attempts at retail sites more than 10 billion times from May to December last year, making retail the most targeted segment studied, …

Cloud business initiatives accelerating faster than security teams’ ability to secure them

The speed of cloud business initiatives is hampering organizations’ ability to secure and manage hybrid environments, with security personnel often not included. The 2019 …

Attackers continue to enhance their performance, apply smart business techniques

During the second half of 2018, attackers bulked up existing tactics, rapidly evolvied new performance enhancements, and applied smart business techniques to vastly accelerate …

Privileged credential abuse is involved in 74% of data breaches

Most IT decision makers are not prioritizing Privileged Access Management (PAM) practices and solutions, despite knowing privileged credential abuse is involved in almost …

IoT security
Researchers and businesses need to work together to expose IoT vulnerabilities

As the Internet of Things (IoT) grows and smart devices gain popularity, cybercriminals will continue to find new ways to exploit all connected things. Two new vulnerabilities …

Social media-enabled cybercrime is generating $3.25 billion a year

Social media-enabled cybercrime is generating at least $3.25B in global revenue annually, according to an extensive six-month academic study undertaken by Dr. Mike McGuire, …

Increasing security measures are driving cybercriminals to alter their techniques

Increased security measures and awareness are driving cybercriminals to alter their techniques in search of a better return on investment (ROI). Total recorded vulnerabilities …

Consumer attitudes towards security breaches are changing significantly

Transatlantic businesses face greater short-term pain in the US but less long term retribution in the UK following a security breach, according to new data from payment …

Most IoT devices are being compromised by exploiting rudimentary vulnerabilities

Cybercriminals are looking for ways to use trusted devices to gain control of Internet of Things (IoT) devices via password cracking and exploiting other vulnerabilities, such …

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