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Most widely adopted digital solutions? Big data, cloud and CRM

More than 85% of companies are implementing digital transformation processes, compared to the 15% who admitted not having started their path towards digitalization yet, …

Why poor visibility is hampering cybersecurity

Enterprises are challenged with security basics, according to Panaseer’s first Security Leader’s Peer Report. Data from an external survey of 200 enterprise …

How can organizations leverage AI technologies to achieve project success?

AI disruption is happening and at a large scale: 81 percent of project professionals report their organization is being impacted by AI technologies; 37 percent say adopting AI …

Insecure password memory aids: A passwordless future could be the solution

There is a readiness for passwordless security methods such as biometrics, with 70% workers believing biometrics would benefit the workplace, according to Okta. The …

Organizations more likely to accelerate business when protecting their cloud data

Cloud services are the most significant advance in IT since the introduction of the internet itself, and most organizations today benefit from the collaboration, scalability …

How employees and their organizations are prioritizing data privacy

Employees in the UK expressed greater understanding of privacy laws, and better training opportunities, than those in the U.S., the ObserveIT survey reveals. The survey polled …

Are U.S. companies overpaying to attract new talent?

While compensation remains a top driver to attract and retain talent in the U.S., employees only expect about a 10% salary increase to switch employers, while companies are …

Appliance upgrades and excessive network latency delaying Office 365 deployments

Gateway appliance upgrades and excessive network latency continue to delay Office 365 deployments, according to Zscaler. Network congestion The survey showed that 41 percent …

Human error still the cause of many data breaches

With the incidence of reported data breaches on the rise, more than half of all C-suite executives (C-Suites) (53%) and nearly three in 10 Small Business Owners (SBOs) (28%) …

Organizations are advancing their efforts, investing in OT cybersecurity programs

ICS cybersecurity threats remain high and present evolving challenges, a new SANS report reveals. However, since the last SANS OT/ICS report released in 2017, a growing …

healthcare professionals
Healthcare executives need to make cybersecurity a business priority

Risks associated with Internet of Things, medical devices, third-party vendors, and program management are top of mind for healthcare executives, according to a CynergisTek’s …

Code signing keys and certificates are crucial security assets, are you protecting them?

Only 28 percent of organizations consistently enforce a defined security process for code signing certificates, a Venafi study of over 320 security professionals in the U.S., …

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