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Current phishing defense strategies and execution are not hitting the mark

Few professionals are completely confident in their ability to assess the effectiveness of their phishing awareness efforts. In a new paper, Phishing Defense and Governance, …

2019 may be a record year for enterprise breaches, but secure collaboration tools could help

Despite business executives agreeing that cybersecurity is a major challenge, businesses globally are severely unprepared for cyberattacks. 44% of business executives from …

Security fatigue leads many to distrust personal data protection, can you blame them?

20 percent of Americans suffer from security fatigue and don’t trust anyone to protect their personal data. As a result, some people feel they need to take matters into their …

Do people with malicious intent present the biggest threat to personal data?

Against the backdrop of a complex and growing cyber threat landscape, organizations are waking up to the fact that one of the biggest chinks in their armour against a data …

mobile payment
90% of consumers value additional security measures to verify mobile-based transactions

A strong majority of US adults value additional security measures for mobile transactions, with 90% reporting they would want the ability to approve some or all mobile device …

Data breach reports delayed as organizations struggle to achieve GDPR compliance

Businesses routinely delayed data breach disclosure and failed to provide important details to the ICO in the year prior to the GDPR’s enactment. On average, businesses waited …

Businesses recognize the need for AI & ML tools in cybersecurity

71 percent of businesses surveyed in the United States plan to use more artificial intelligence and machine learning (AI/ML) in their cybersecurity tools this year, although …

How susceptible are hospital employees to phishing attacks?

Cybersecurity threats are a rising problem in society, especially for healthcare organizations. Successful attacks can jeopardize not only patient data but also patient care, …

IT managers can’t ignore endpoints because most cyberattacks start there

IT managers are more likely to catch cybercriminals on their organization’s servers and networks than anywhere else, according to the 7 Uncomfortable Truths of Endpoint …

Hidden third-party tags could be leaving Fortune 100 companies at risk

Crownpeak found more than 1,700 tag redirectson websites belonging to companies in the Fortune 100. These hidden third-party tags leave the sites open to potential data …

Cybersecurity skills gap worsens, security teams are understaffed

As emerging technology and threat landscapes experience rapid transformation, the skillsets need to change as well. 80 percent of 336 IT security professionals Dimensional …

Growing mobile cybersecurity incidents spur plans for increased security investment

A majority of RSA attendees plan to spend more on mobile security in the coming year, Lookout has discovered. Since critical data has moved to the cloud, employees are able to …

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