Companies unprepared to deal with mobile attacks, synthetic identity fraud, CCPA compliance
There is a growing impact of large-scale data breaches and fraud on consumer trust and the critical need for businesses to balance the digital consumer experience with strong …

Investigations are an unfortunate fact of life for most corporations
Corporate investigations, which can be triggered by any number of events, have become a fact of life for most companies, according to a survey from H5. The survey focused on …

Most decision makers expect AI and 5G to impact their cybersecurity strategy
An overwhelming majority of cybersecurity and risk management leaders believe that developments in 5G wireless technology will create cybersecurity challenges for their …

Despite enthusiasm for AI adoption, governments are experiencing challenges
Public-service executives in Europe are optimistic and enthusiastic about the impact of artificial intelligence (AI) on government operations and services but face challenges …

Security pros like their job, yet many struggle with burnout and work-life balance
There is a persistent gap among cybersecurity professionals regarding gender and diversity, but also challenges with work-life balance. Lack of diversity Among the security …

CIO role remains critical in leading enterprises through crises and transformations
The march to digitalization is so commonplace today that 40% of global CIOs have reached scale for their digital endeavors, more than doubling the proportion of enterprises …

Rapid SaaS adoption compounds visibility concerns
The stakes are higher than ever to ensure that their organizations are protected from a security and compliance perspective, but new survey data from Blissfully shows that IT …

A data breach could be game over for a brand
Data security is a legitimate worry for today’s consumers around the world, Ping Identity survey reveals. Approximately one half (49%) of respondents report that they are more …

Perceptions on the impact of data breaches and identity protection
4iQ recently completed research focusing on Americans’ attitudes about cybersecurity breaches and the efforts that organizations make to mitigate breaches’ effects on identity …

How the under 30s expect new approaches to cybersecurity
In today’s multigenerational workforce, the over-30s are more likely to adopt cybersecurity good practice than their younger colleagues who have grown up with digital …

How much organizations are investing in analytics and why
Despite 94% of organizations believing data and analytics is important to their digital transformation and business growth, most are not enabling a data-driven culture, …

AI and ML will become important for how organizations run their digital systems
Global organizations are making significant progress with digital transformation projects despite obstacles, however technology leaders are finding that running their …