Most DevOps pros feel proper certificate issuance policies slow them down
75% of DevOps professionals are concerned that policies for issuing certificates slow down development, and over a third (39%) believe developers should be able to circumvent …

SaaS security fears: Is your data exposed to potential risk?
IT executives have rising SaaS security fears, and worry about cloud security, proprietary data encryption, as well as the loss of independent control due to access …

What decentralized IT spending means for the CIO role
67% of IT leaders say at least half of their spend is now controlled by individual business units, in a report from IDG Connect and Snow Software. While most believe this is …

Consumers not willing to compromise when it comes to IoT security
Nearly three quarters of consumers expect manufacturers of connected IoT devices to protect their devices from hacks, according to Karamba Security. Consumers take IoT …

How identity is addressed by enterprise IT security teams
The majority of companies have experienced a five-fold increase in the number of workforce identities, which are being driven primarily by mobile and cloud technology. …

78% of people forgot a password in the past 90 days
Passwords are the dominant way online services manage access to our personal and work-related lives. But often times, they’re more of a headache than a security tool. HYPR …

Enterprises reaching a security tool tipping point
A rapid increase in the number of security tools used by large companies is limiting their return on investment while increasing the risk of cyber threats, according to …

How enterprise risk management programs operate in organizations today
More than half of CEOs think their enterprise risk management program (ERM) program is not as effective as it should be, a LogicGate survey reveals. Challenges for enterprise …

What are the qualities of a good digital identity management program?
Growing consumer expectations, the breakdown of traditional “walls” and emerging technologies are making it hard for organizations to devise a successful digital identity …

BYOD security challenges leave companies at risk
Organizations aren’t moving quickly enough on cybersecurity threats linked to the drive toward using personal mobile devices in the workplace, warns a QUT privacy …

Key security priorities for financial services: Preventing fraud and data leaks
The banking and financial services sector is struggling with a skills shortage along with the sheer volume of threats and alerts as it continues its ongoing battle against …

Most enterprises hit cloud migration problems, still run apps on legacy operating systems
More than nine out of 10 of US enterprises in the Dow Jones, Fortune 250 and 500, and S&P 100 have run into cloud migration problems when it comes to moving legacy …