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Most find data security challenging with respect to UCaaS/CCaaS deployments

Security and network services are the top challenges for enterprises deploying or considering UCaaS and CCaaS technologies, and decision makers prefer bundled solutions that …

Best practices and challenges in adopting continuous software testing

Businesses must accelerate the shift to comprehensive continuous software testing in order to remain competitive, according to a report released by Capgemini and Broadcom. The …

Who’s responsible for protecting personal information?

With half of Americans lacking confidence in companies and government when it comes to protecting personal information, it’s no surprise three-quarters (74%) are more alarmed …

Are ransom payers fueling ransomware?

A new CyberEdge Group report uncovered two trends that are stimulating record-setting ransomware attacks: More ransom payers are successfully recovering their data. In 2018, …

21% of SMBs do not have a data backup or disaster recovery solution in place

58% of C-level executives at small and medium businesses (SMBs) said their biggest data storage challenge is security vulnerability, according to Infrascale. The research, …

The potential impact of SAP security remediation

More than two thirds (68.8%) of SAP users believe their organizations put insufficient focus on IT security during previous SAP implementations, while 53.4% indicated that it …

Organizations not properly set up to manage risk, coronavirus pandemic reveals

Organizations’ current approach to risk governance is not sufficient to tackle the complex risk environment organizations are facing today, according to Gartner. The COVID-19 …

Across-the-board increase in DDoS attacks of all sizes

There has been a 168% increase in DDoS attacks in Q4 2019, compared with Q4 2018, and a 180% increase overall in 2019 vs. 2018, according to Neustar. The company saw DDoS …

While many migrate security tools to the cloud, concerns remain

While many companies are beginning to migrate security tools to the cloud, a significant number have concerns, a survey by Exabeam reveals. The survey highlights data privacy, …

As consumers turn online for purchases, many are targeted by pandemic-related digital fraud

There has been a spike in digital commerce since social distancing became widespread globally, according to a TransUnion research. The research found a 23% increase in global …

Organizations struggle with patching endpoints against critical vulnerabilities

Less than 50 percent of organizations can patch vulnerable systems swiftly enough to protect against critical threats and zero-day attacks, and 81 percent have suffered at …

insider threat
Legal industry at great risk from insider data breaches

A staggering 96% of IT leaders in the legal sector say insider breach risk is a significant concern, according to Egress. 77% think employees have put data at risk …

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