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Evaluating cyber risk during the holiday season

Fears of data loss, identity theft and fraud are leaving American consumers on edge this holiday season, and they’re prepared to hold their financial institution responsible …

5,183 breaches from the first nine months of 2019 exposed 7.9 billion records

According to Risk Based Security’s Q3 2019 Data Breach QuickView Report, the total number of breaches was up 33.3% compared to Q3 2018, with 5,183 breaches reported in …

Network complexity and lack of visibility contribute to misconfigurations and increased risk

Enterprises are slow to abandon manual processes, despite being short staffed, as the lack of automation, coupled with increasing network complexity risk and lack of …

Enterprise cybersecurity in the Asia-Pacific region

Almost one in five business organizations in the Asia-Pacific (APAC) region experienced more than six security breaches in the past two years, a new ESET enterprise …

The leading challenge facing cloud migration projects is security

60% of organizations misunderstand the shared responsibility model for cloud security and incorrectly believe the cloud provider is responsible for securing privileged access, …

Top concerns for audit executives? Cyber risks and data governance

As organizations continue to collect customer and employee data, chief audit executives (CAEs) are increasingly concerned about how to govern and protect it. Gartner conducted …

Enterprise expectations of managed service providers and public cloud providers are shifting

Enterprise expectations of managed service providers (SPs), along with their ecosystem of public cloud provider partners, are shifting and will drive fundamental changes in …

ISC2 report
Cybersecurity workforce skills gap rises to over 4 million

The estimated current cybersecurity workforce is 2.8 million professionals, while the amount of additional trained staff needed to close the skills gap is 4.07 million …

SIEM complexity and cloud visibility put companies at risk

Nearly half of companies are unable to remediate insider threats until after data loss has occurred, a Gurucul survey reveals. The study found that lack of visibility into …

IoT security
Only 47% of cybersecurity pros are prepared to deal with attacks on their IoT devices

Fewer than half (47%) of cybersecurity professionals have a plan in place to deal with attacks on their IoT devices and equipment, despite that fact that nine out of ten …

Phishing attacks at highest level in three years

The number of phishing attacks continued to rise into the autumn of 2019, according to APWG. The total number of phishing sites detected in July through September 2019 was …

Security and risk compliance: Still the most important part of IT strategy

Security practice is the number one priority for IT teams, with a clear majority (59%) reporting deficiencies in the controls, that should ensure data processing and storage …

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